30| Wife

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Chapter 30: Wife (Logan's POV)


I let out a frustrated sigh and opened my eyes, finally acknowledging Zarah who had been trying to shake me awake for the past five minutes at this ungodly hour. "What?" I bit out. 

The doorbell rang persistently, five times in a row. 

"I don't know who that is, I'm not going down by myself to check!" she groaned in a whisper, half-awake and annoyed. 

I sat up in bed and pushed the covers off before standing up, slipping my slides on as I towered over where she stood. "Why are you whispering?" I asked, speaking normally. 

"I don't know," she mumbled, tiptoeing behind me as I made my way downstairs. She let out a squeak and grabbed my sleeve as I reached for the door. "Be careful," she warned. 

I pressed the button to the camera and then let out an agitated sigh. 

"Oh," she hummed, watching the camera with me. 

"It's your mother and—" 

"Open up!" Alessia screamed, cutting me off as she banged on the door.

"Alessia," Zarah finished for me. 

"Right," I snapped, unlocking the door and opening it, both Zarah and I squinting at the bright lights pouring in from the hallway as we stood side by side in the doorway. "Can I help you, ladies?" I questioned, clearing my throat. 

Alessia marched right in, barging past Zarah and me, pushing us apart in the process. "We're here to take Zarah with us," she announced while Mrs. Romano trailed in behind her with an apologetic smile. 

"Excuse me?" I asked. 

"Take me where?" Zarah mumbled. 

"Where's your wedding dress?" Alessia interrogated. 

"I just got it this morning, it's in my room," Zarah replied. 

"Has he seen it?" Alessia pointed at me. 

"No," she answered in a confused trance. 

"Nora will explain," Alessia shrugged before rushing upstairs. 

"What is going on, Mom?" Zarah groaned, sleepily rubbing her eyes. 

"You know it's tradition for the bride and groom to be kept apart twenty-four hours before the wedding, right? That's what it is," her Mom clarified. "Your wedding is tomorrow afternoon. Our plan was to take you yesterday right after your wedding dress trial but I thought we should give you two one last day together as fiancés," Mrs. Romano explained with a soft smile on her face. 

"You realize this marriage isn't real, right?" Zarah deadpanned. 

"That doesn't mean we'll let traditions die down," her mother shrugged. 

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