40| Kill

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Chapter 40: Kill (Logan's POV)

All right. If I wait any longer, we'll be extremely late. 

Adjusting my cuffs, I walked out of my own room and toward Zarah's, pausing to knock on the door. We were meant to leave for her parents' party about thirty minutes ago but failed to do that because she sure took her time getting ready. 

"Come in!" she called out before I heard her groan loudly in frustration as I made my way in. 

Closing the door behind me, I leaned against it for a beat, watching her in amusement as she struggled to zip up her dress. 

Her eyes cut to me. "Care to help, Mr. Markov?" 

"Since you're asking so nicely, of course," I replied, making my way over to where she stood in front of her vanity. The only thing amiss was her dress; she was ready from head to toe. 

And she looks fucking stunning. 

With her hair left straight down her back and parted down the middle, she wore a classy black dress with two black banding straps falling off her shoulders while thin, dainty straps made out of real pearls held the dress over her shoulders and collarbones. To match, she wore small white pearls in her ears and black heels with a band of pearls going over her toes and around her ankles. 

"How much time have you already wasted struggling?" I asked knowingly, stopping to gather her hair and move it over her left shoulder. 

Her gaze met mine through the mirror. "About ten minutes," she admitted sheepishly. 

"You could have called me for help." 

"Well, I'm calling now, aren't I?" She exhaled. 

My eyes cascaded down to her neck and thoughtlessly, I brought up my hand, using a single finger to trace the back of her neck, pausing at her sharp inhale and sudden jolt. I stole a glance at her in the mirror before I continued tracing her skin past the dip in her spine and as my touch paused at one of the two dimples in the bottom of her spine, she abruptly spun around, steadying herself on the vanity behind her, bracing her palms. 

"I thought we didn't have time to waste," she said shakily. 

"I wouldn't call this a waste of time and it greatly offends me that you do," I retorted, leaning closer to her and placing my hands on the table right beside hers. 

She grabbed my tie and jerked me closer. Leaning close, she took her time teasing me only to smile and let me down easily. "I have lipstick on," she reminded me. 

"I don't care," I shook my head in response. 

"Really?" Her brows twitched. 

I nodded. 

Taking my jaw between her fingers, she turned my head the other way and placed a big, hard kiss on my cheek, leaving a blazing, dusty rose lip stain in her wake. Grinning, she spun back around. "Come on, zip me up. We need to get going." 

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