36| Faith

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Chapter 36: Faith (Logan's POV)

The drive home was filled with a suffocating silence and I didn't know if I should break it or not. She might have still been shaken up from whatever happened at the gallery or she might be mad at me for kissing her without any warning but I didn't have another choice. 

We truly had an audience, one that included Natalia Andrei. Her husband wasn't in sight but she sure was and she had her eyes only on us. 

"What happened at the gallery?" I questioned after a while. 

She let out a sigh before throwing her head back against the headrest. "I..." She paused and then took a breath before explaining. "I was on my way out and I had to stop by the auction we were hosting tonight. There was this guy there but he wasn't attending the auction, he wasn't even there to look at paintings, he was just watching the crowd. He saw me on my way out and I couldn't recognize him, I had no idea who he was so I didn't think anything of it at first. But the paranoia just got worse when I got to the empty lot. I just freaked myself out, it was nothing, really. You don't have to worry about it." 

As we stopped at a light, I lifted my arm, resting my elbow in the window and tracing my bottom lip with my thumb. I knew this wasn't her fault, she wasn't the person I should be even remotely mad at. But... "There's a reason I suggested I drop you off and pick you up from work, Zarah. Next time, try doing what I tell you where your safety is concerned. Maybe if you listened, this wouldn't have happened." 

"If I listened?" she asked with a light scoff. "Is this my fault?" 

"That's not what I'm saying," I sighed, turning into our building and parking the car. 

"It sounds like you are," she argued, "because according to you, if I had just listened to you and let you watch over me like a hawk twenty-four-seven, then this wouldn't have happened. Only then would I not be paranoid. Only then would I be safe. Am I wrong?" 

"You are," I said, glancing at her as I killed the engine. "I don't know what it's going to take for you to understand that my priority is to keep you safe. So I'll apologize in advance if having me around you all the time is such an inconvenience to you, it isn't any better for me. But if I need to do that to keep you safe, I will. Because I would do anything to keep you safe." 

"Because that's what your job is, that's what you're paid to do, I know, Logan. Say it one more time and I might understand it," she bit out sarcastically before reaching for the door. 

Huffing, I locked the car and went as far as to put the child lock in place. 

She stared at the handle before looking at me. "Are you serious?" 

"If we need to be stuck here all night to have this conversation, I don't mind it," I shrugged. "There is no conversation to have. I can't keep fighting the same fight over and over again. I get it, Logan. You have a job to do and I don't make it very easy for you. But I can't have you around me all the time, pretending to be some doting husband who drops me to work every morning in front of people or who picks me up every evening in front of people." 

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