9| Fate

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Chapter 9: Fate (Zarah's POV)

"Ms. Romano." 

I groaned softly, my eyes squinting open as I sat upright, rubbing my sore neck lightly. I looked over at Logan before processing the fact that we had reached my apartment building. I glared over at Logan. "You could have at least reclined the seat if I fell asleep." 

He didn't reply and instead simply unlocked the car as he stared ahead. 

I released a breath, hitting my head against the headrest softly. I wanted to just walk out of the car without looking back but it felt rude to leave without thanking him at all. Not that he did much to help anyway, but still. 

"Are you waiting for something?" he asked. 

I sighed, pushing the door open, and wincing softly as I moved my body. "Thanks for the ride," I mumbled halfheartedly without looking at him before I pushed the passenger door open and climbed out, frowning down at my cuts and scratches as I walked towards my building, letting out an agitated huff. I got into the elevator and pressed the button to my penthouse, where I got out and walked down the hall, and unlocked my front door using my digital number lock. 

Pausing by the door, I waved an arm that triggered the sensor of the automatic lights and flicked them on. 

Walking past the kitchen that was to my left and the living room that was to my right, I headed to the staircase at the far back and climbed upstairs, turning right to enter my bedroom. Flipping the lights on, I kicked my heels off and walked to my bed, emptying my purse out. I put my things away before picking up my heels and taking my purse into the walk-in closet. 

I stopped at the Chester table in the middle and took all my jewelry off, opening the drawers and putting it all away before placing my purse where it was meant to go and then taking my dress off, hanging it separately so I could send it for dry cleaning. Opening the glass door to the loungewear section of my closet, I grabbed a set of satin pajamas, taking a warm, orange-peach-colored camisole and shorts set. 

After that, I went into the bathroom and took out the first aid kit from under the sick, sighing loudly as I pulled my hair back in a bun. I cleaned my elbow and wrist first, grinding my teeth and wincing as the alcohol stung. I did the same thing with my knee and was about to put it away when I recalled the cut on my chin. I gave that a quick dab, cursing under my breath before slapping a bandaid on my knee, elbow, and wrist but leaving my chin free. I refused to put a bandaid on my pretty face. 

Once I took my makeup off and washed my face, avoiding that cut, I went back downstairs and into the living room, ignoring the several couches and the huge coffee table as I walked to the glass window wall that overlooked the city lights, and I closed the blinds. Then I went into the kitchen and opened the fridge, grabbed my water bottle, glancing at the window. 

The kitchen had an island facing the rest of the apartment while the sink was to the left with a huge window showing off the sky and skyline, and the back wall had the stove and countertop against it, with the fridge to the left. I went up on my toes and caught the blind string for the kitchen window and sealed those shut before flicking the lights off and heading back up to my room, crawling into bed and falling straight asleep, exhaustion hitting me like a wave. 

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