45| Revenge

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Chapter 45: Revenge (Zarah's POV)

An empty bed was the last thing I wanted to wake up to the next morning, so when I opened my eyes and found one side of the bed with nothing but a mess of pillows and covers, I was disappointed, to say the least. 

That was until I realized that my side of the bed was empty and I was so far on Logan's side with him right there, holding me. 

Last night almost felt like a dream and I had to remind myself that it wasn't, that everything really happened, that we said we loved each other.

Logan's arm tightened around me from behind as he felt me shift but loosened when he realized I was only rolling over. I almost felt bad when I peeked past him and saw one of his legs hanging off the huge king-sized bed. 

I guess king size isn't big enough. 

Slowly and cautiously, I scooted back on the bed, giving him the room he needed while peeking at him, trying not to wake him up. Grabbing a hold of his t-shirt, I tugged him forward and he sleepily rolled over, throwing an arm around me once again. 

I lay there, staring at him for some time, my eyes traveling across his face, memorizing every part of it, noticing the tiny beauty spots he had, a small one on top of the right side of his lip, one on his left cheek, one at the corner of his eye, each of them so light and small that I'd never noticed them before. 

"Are you going to keep staring at me?" he asked without opening his eyes, catching me off guard. 

"I thought you were sleeping," I mumbled, stifling my smile behind the covers. 

Opening his eyes, he squinted a bit at first, even in the dimly lit room, and then took in a breath. "I woke up every time you moved around," he grumbled, "I kept thinking you would sneak off to your room and..." he trailed off and paused for a minute. "I thought you'd take it all back," he mumbled, still half asleep. 

"I would never do that," I whispered quietly. 

A few minutes later, he opened his eyes again, now wide awake. "What time is it?" 

I slowly sat up, on my knees, and reached over him to check my phone for the time. "It's almost ten," I told him, sitting there and watching him, trying not to 'aw' out loud. "Do you want to go back to sleep?" I questioned in a whisper. 

"I'm awake now," he said, staring back at me. Tucking an arm under his head, he held my gaze. 

"So this is how you look every morning?" I chuckled, brushing his hair out of his eyes as it fell across his forehead messily, making him look a little younger. 

He hummed with a slight nod. "And this is how you look every morning," he said, grabbing my hand and running his thumb across my knuckles repeatedly before finding the ring on my finger and brushing over that repeatedly. 

"We should freshen up. I'll make breakfast today. My treat." 

He hummed in appreciation, watching me in amusement as I moved to climb over him but before I could, grabbed my waist and rolled us back over so he was on top of me. "My treat," he bargained, leaning in to kiss my cheek before climbing off of me and going into the bathroom, grabbing his toothbrush. 

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