3| Sarcasm

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I changed the chapter name 




Chapter 3: Sarcasm (Zarah's POV)

"You're coming tonight, aren't you?" Alessia asked as Ronan hopped off my lap and rounded the table, sitting beside his mother. She helped him up into the seat before handing me the menu and then going to fix his hair. 

"Tonight?" I questioned, lifting my brows. 

"Don't play dumb and act like you missed the invite. I saw Sasha giving it to you myself," she snickered. 

I began pleading. "I'll make you a deal. If you act like you never saw anything—" 

"Nope. I would rather be anywhere else than at one of Adrian Markov's parties but if I'm going down, I'm taking you with me." 

I sighed in frustration and went back to reading the menu. "I have no interest in going to any party," I mumbled. 

"Hmm, but your Dad has all the interest in this world in showing you off as his little princess." 

I glanced at her over the menu. "I hate that word." 

"Princess?" she asked slowly, trying to piss me off even more. 

"Yes," I said, snapping the menu shut in my hands. "Something about the man just... irks me." 

"He's not so bad from all the times I've spoken to him but just knowing what he does..." Her eyes narrowed and she shook her head. "I can't approve of it." 

"Me neither. Yet you, my dear Alessia, married Nick Romano." 

"He's different." 

I lifted a brow. 

"He's hot," she grinned, turning to Ronan. "Isn't he?" 

Ronan nodded with a bright grin. 

"That's your Dad. And my brother," I said to Ronan, my nose scrunching up. 

"Ronan knows just how handsome his Dad is," Alessia chuckled, brushing his hair out of his eyes. "Plus, your brother's a good man, unlike most others in this circle." 

"You're biased to your husband," I scoffed, rolling my eyes and taking a breadstick, biting off a piece. 

"You know your brother's a good man," Alessia replied knowingly. 

"He's done things just as bad as other people have." I put up a finger gun and shot out the window, closing one eye to act like I aimed before I blew on my fingers and looked at Ronan, winking. He giggled, mimicking me as my eyes slid to Alessia's, giving her a pointed look. "He's done worse too." 

She sighed and leaned back in her seat. "If you think you can grow up and live life around these kinds of people and still find a husband who would be any different, you're nothing but a hopeless romantic." 

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