28| Everything

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Chapter 28: Everything (Logan's POV)

"They look really happy together," Zarah whispered as Christian and Jules took the dance floor for their first dance at the reception. "They are," she added with a tiny chuckle. I felt her gaze on me as we stood near the bar, watching the bride and groom with the rest of the crowd. "Don't you ever smile, Mr. Markov? It's the happiest day of your best friend's life," she sighed, nudging my arm with hers. 

"I'm sure it is," I agreed, glancing at her. 

"I don't think I've ever seen you smile. It's concerning." 

"What's concerning?" We both looked over as Rowan and Evie made their way over. 

It turned out that Zarah knew Evie through Alessia, but save for her and Christian, Zarah hardly knew anybody here. Once I introduced her to Rowan and Jules, Zarah being who she was, hit it off with everybody. 

"The fact that I hardly get to see him smile," Zarah said, slipping her arm into mine. 

"That's hardly concerning, it's just normal," Rowan replied. 

"You know, that doesn't surprise me considering he's your friend," Evie snickered at Rowan, tugging at his arm. 

He turned his body to face hers and took a step forward, backing her into the bar. "Oh, yeah?" 

"Yeah," she nodded, nudging him off, glancing at us pointedly. 

"Don't mind us. Please," I said sarcastically. 

"Don't bother them," Zarah mumbled, frowning at me. 

Rowan was drowning out everything at this party except for Evie, which didn't surprise me in the least. She brought his brain down to his knees. "Dance with me," he said to her. 

She took his hand. "Then I shall dance with you," she chuckled as he steered her away towards the dance floor where several other couples had joined. 

"I want to dance," Zarah announced, leaning into me. "Dance with me." 

"I don't dance, sweetheart," I told her, turning my body to hers. 

She unlatched her arm from mine in frustration. "You don't smile, you don't dance, is there anything you do that actually supports the fact that we're a couple?" she scolded through gritted teeth. 

"Yes, there is. I'm standing here with you, my darling," I retorted, lifting a brow at her. 

"Well, my darling," she mocked, "that's not enough. I want to dance." She tugged at me harder, trying to steer me toward the dance floor. An exhausted groan escaped her when I refused to budge. "Look at Rowan and Evie," she mumbled quietly, "look at Christian and Jules. We're supposed to be like them, Logan." 

"Well, we're not, Zarah. You're not Jules and I'm not Christian. I'm not Rowan and you're not Evie." I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. "I'm not one for public displays of affection, Draga." 

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