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He didn't know he wanted her but he did
He didn't trust he needed her but he did
He didn't believe in true love and so she seemed like a figment of his imagination.
So really the true question was how far can he look past his insecurities to grab hold of his future?

Y'all see how I left you on a cliffhanger ;) Personally the prologue looks better than what I thought it would be it's not bad or necessarily good it's more meh
But it's my first time writing one lol and I didn't know what one actually included so don't judge and it was really short so round of applause for me *round of applause*
Anyway thanks for reading this if you are tell me if you like what I've wrote so far and if I should continue alright bye *beeeeeeeeeeeep*
51 words -Prologue
Published -03:05 Saturday 13th august 2022

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