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People's first impression of our school is that it's the most pristine school in the borough, the best teachers best students and of course no bullying cause you know our school's motto is "Bullying is lame, so don't play that game"

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People's first impression of our school is that it's the most pristine school in the borough, the best teachers best students and of course no bullying cause you know our school's motto is
"Bullying is lame, so don't play that game"

But of course no one listens to that, I'm a straight A student and not even I would listen to that,not that I'm a bully or anything

As I'm walking to my locker or more like speed walking, so I don't get another late cause god knows I'm always late and if I get another late to mrs Seymour's biology class well...

I get kicked out and when I say kicked out I mean escorted out the classroom and out of the school cause she's a grumpy old hag who hates kids, I mean I wouldn't mind it as it's the last class of my day and I don't even listen in bio but I have to keep up my A stars for my sister

But you know nothing ever goes right for me cause the bell rings so now I'm not speed walking I'm literally running, God knows why though considering I'm already late "Ow who the hell built a fricking wall there" I mumble, As I get up I notice I didn't run into a wall, But a fricking person even worse. "Maybe you shouldn't run with your eyes closed dove"he smirks

Rubbing my forehead I really take the time to look at this guy's features and boy was he the prettiest human being I had ever seen from his sharp chiselled jawline to his dark blue eyes he looked amazing and I knew just by looking at him i was going red this had never happened to me before but somehow just by standing in his presence he was making me act up

"I know I'm hot but are you gonna stare at me all day darling, don't you have a class to get to" he questions lifting one eyebrow

Class,Class, Oh snickerdoodles Mrs Seymour's class she's so going to kill me if I turn up now, So instead of carrying on my journey I turn on my heels and walk the opposite way I know I'm going to regret this later on, because my anxiety will start acting up and I won't be able to cope at work but it's my only option at the time because being kicked out won't look good on any future job applications

Class,Class, Oh snickerdoodles Mrs Seymour's class she's so going to kill me if I turn up now, So instead of carrying on my journey I turn on my heels and walk the opposite way I know I'm going to regret this later on, because my anxiety will star...

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