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Tears reappear in my eyes at the scene she's quite a pretty girl

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Tears reappear in my eyes at the scene she's quite a pretty girl. Blue eyes blonde hair perfect body, my daddies should just date her instead

"Now who the actual fuck is she and why is she here, when your girl was crying upstairs"

"Woah chill out ash she's just a old friend from school, who also happens to be a little no big  deal"

Ash rolls her eyes "No big deal my fat ass your actual girl has been crying upstairs while you play happy family with this hoe, I think we'll take our leave now"

I see the girl perk up with a pout "I'm not a hoe Dane why are you letting her talk to me like that come on Theo"

"We're not, Ash your not our only friend so learn to respect the ones you don't know and leave it alone "

She scoffs "Ye I will be leaving and I'm taking May with me"

"What no your fucking not she's not your little" Dane shouts out

"W-well neither is she b-but you care more about her than you do me and I don't wike you anymore"

Ash picks me up and that's when it finally sinks in. I curl up onto the seats of the car with a sob
"It hurts so bad Ashton, they chose some ugly whore over me. They've hurt me so many damn times ashy"

She turns back to me "I know baby but don't let it beat you up"

I sit up straight. Don't let it beat me up she's right they've got a new hoe now I need new hoes. "Ash can we cut and dye my hair"

She looks at me confused "Now baby it's what 8:30 if you were with your daddies you'd be in bed soon"

"I know ashy but please cmon it would make me really happy" I pout at her doing puppy eyes

"Your so manipulative but fine we'll go to the place that I take Leo" I squeal kissing her cheek

"What do you want to do with your hair  anyway"

"I've been wanting to do this for a while but I think this is the perfect time. I want it black with blonde at the front"

"Yes let's to go get would be so cute"


We're currently sitting in the empty salon with a really nice hairdresser she was about to close up but considering she loves ashy she let us in

She's already cut my hair to about just under my shoulders and is now in the process of dying the front blonde cause she's already dyed the rest a deep black colour. She places foil in my hair and places a machine over top and tells me to wait for a couple while I chat with ash who's sipping tea

"The boys have both tried to call me and they have both tried to call Leo but Leo answered considering he doesn't know what's happening. But he's set the guest bedroom up for you so your all ready"

"Thank you auntie ash I appreciate you so so much" I say just as the lady comes back to wash my hair out she blow dries my hair before curling it

I look in the mirror and I look like a completely different person. Sadder but different, I love it
I squeal hugging the lady "Tank ou tank ou so much it's so pwetty"

"That's okay little one you look pretty"

I skip out of the store hand in hand with ash "You look so fucking bad ass right now your daddies are missing out"

"Tank ou ashy i wove ou so much"
"I love you to my little munchkin"

We get in the car and she instead puts me in Leo's car seat. "Ashy baba pease"

She passes me a bottle from a baby bag "Your lucky I don't clean this car out"

The bottle eventually finished making me fall deep asleep to the sound of the engine

I feel myself being picked up making me whine into Ashys neck. "It's okay baby you've had such a long day go to sleep"

I feel myself start to fall back asleep when I hear two screams staring me awake making ash groan. "Do you boys want a punishment could you not see that she was sleeping, she's had a rough day tone it down please"

"Sorry mommy, sorry auntie Ash" jakey and Leo both say

Leo runs up to us "I love your hair May-May it's so pretty and it really suits you"

"Tank chu weo I weally like your erm eyes"

He giggles at me shaking his head, ash taps my bum shaking her head "Let's get a diaper on you little baby"

She places me on the sofa before unbuttoning my onesie and taking off my diaper. Leo places a diaper and powder in her hand and she lifts my legs up sliding the diaper under powdering me up before taping me closed. She places me on her lap just hugging me

"I'm so sorry baby I don't know why they think they can always do this to you" she coos at me

"C-can I pease call dem pease ashy" She looks at me conflicted then sighs passing me her phone, I tap on daddy's contact and waits for it to call he usually answers on the first ring but he doesn't. I instead call dada and he answers straight away

"H-hi dada I know y-you didn't mean to h-hurt me"

"Erm hello who is this" "Hello anyone there"
I drop the phone with a piercing scream after hearing who answered why was she still there at this time of night.Hot tears cascade down my face as I choke on my tears hitting the floor

"No no no no" I murmur repeatedly rocking back and forth on the floor, ash tries to pick me when I push her away picking myself up off of the floor, I brush the dirt of off my onesie

"You know what I've got this I am definitely a okay" I meet the floor with a thud the last thing I hear is the rushed voices and curses of ash

"You know what I've got this I am definitely a okay" I meet the floor with a thud the last thing I hear is the rushed voices and curses of ash

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