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I'm walking hand in hand with my two daddies and I'm having so much fun, just like daddy promised yesterday he took me and dada out into the city to do some shopping all payed for by him

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I'm walking hand in hand with my two daddies and I'm having so much fun, just like daddy promised yesterday he took me and dada out into the city to do some shopping all payed for by him. We've already been to a little store a Calvin Klein for dada and now we're at Sephora looking for makeup.

My tummy rumbles and I pray that no one heard because I'm not actually hungry it's just my brain telling me I am however dada hears
"You hungry baby, we have been walking for a while" I shake my head but he instead ignores me and focuses on daddy

"I'm going to take a walk up to the pizza place up there watch Mayah" he says pointing at him

"Yeah yeah I got her babe go on" he kisses dada and dada then kisses me telling me he loves me
He starts to walk off when I suddenly have the urge to pee so I pull on daddy's sleeve

"Daddy I need the toilet really badlyyy" I whine out, he looks down from his phone telling me to go and that he's watching me

"But daddy I want you to come with me please"
"Baby daddy's doing some work just go on I'm watching you I promise" he says kissing me on the forehead

I put on my big girl pants and skip over to the toilet luckily there's no one in there and I can do my business in peace. I go into the cubicle making sure to lock the door and happily pee my body feels so relaxed now. All of a sudden I hear the door creak open slowly

"D-daddy is that you out there" I shout out but get no reply. I flush the toilet and slowly open the door but see no one so decide it was just my imagination playing tricks on me. I wash my hands singing Taylor swift bad blood, when something out of the corner catches my eye. I turn around and that's when I see him

I go to scream when he holds a gun to my tummy a sinister smirk playing on his face. "May long time no see how have you been" I stay trembling in my spot not answering when he scowls
"I asked you a question you little bitch now answer it"

"I-I've been g-good Phoenix how about you" I say crying silently
"Thanks for asking I've been pretty good you know, after our last encounter some people I'm sure you know got in touch with me and I guess here I am" he says like we're long lost friends

"I am sorry to do this though it really does pain me" I look at him confused
"D-do W-what phoe-" I'm cut off with a sharp pain to my head. He pistol whipped me my I slowly lose consciousness as I feel myself falling to the ground however I'm caught by the lovely and definitely not psychopathic Phoenix


I wake up with a groan and a pounding pain in my head. I sit up looking at my surroundings, large velvet bed, walk in closet and a giant tv placed above a elegant dresser

Where the fuck am I, I jump out of the bed and luckily I'm still in the tracksuit I remembered being in before I woke up. I creep out the door when I hear talking, familiar talking

"H-hello who's there show yourself" I shout down the stairs

"Don't be a stranger Mayah this is your home come on downstairs" Phoenix called from the bottom, he smirks at me and that's when I remember. I was out shopping with my daddies I went to the toilet to find Phoenix who pistol whipped me this guy fucking knocked me out

He laughs at my silence "I see your piecing things together come on down and we'll explain" I hesitantly walk down the stairs. Who the fuck is "we"

I walk behind Phoenix entering a large living room where I see a man and a woman my parents. I look a lot like my mum and Penny takes after our father

"What the f-fuck is t-this bullshit why am I here" I shout shocking even myself

"That's no way to treat your parents May, but I guess we did kind of kidnap you so your anger is valid...for now" my mother laughs out

"Is this some type of joke,you kidnapped me that's a fucking crime now take me back home"

"Although we would love to do that you know to get Penelope however your boyfriends are going to be after us so it's better to leave now than later" my father replies in a gruff voice

"You are not touching Penny she's done nothing wrong except be born into whatever you psychos have going on"

"We're not the bad guys here darling, we just wanted to see you it's been too long"

"Well drugging me at a club and kidnapping me isn't the way to do that you you fools" I spit out at them
"What even is this, you left me years ago with no money and a baby to watch and now your living in a mansion"

"This darling is our business, back then we were in a lot of how do I say this shit, we were involved with bad people and didn't want to drag you guys into it, however we decided to use the opportunity to get big in our world and build up our empire and now look at us I guess it all worked out for the best. We've got our company Rose wood & co and our other company which you don't need to know about for now"

I laugh like actually laugh, they stare at me like I'm crazy maybe I am I mean I probably have a concussion. "So you guys were involved with some sketchy shit and are now some crazy billionaires, could you not have contacted like normal fucking parents!"

 "So you guys were involved with some sketchy shit and are now some crazy billionaires, could you not have contacted like normal fucking parents!"

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