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I've got Liana in my arms and we're sitting here watching Netflix since the boys went on a play date with some little they met at the park yesterday

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I've got Liana in my arms and we're sitting here watching Netflix since the boys went on a play date with some little they met at the park yesterday

She's quiet I mean she's always quiet but she's especially quiet when she's separated from her daddy's and it always causes her to regress into a far younger age than she usually is

"Mommy I hungwy ba ba pease" I look at her startled she called me mommy she's never done that before "y-yeah sorry baby here you go"

She happily suckles on the nipple of the bottle her eyes slowly fluttering closed as her body relaxes softly into my arms. I hear the door knock and I instantly know it's the boys but I just put Lia down and don't want to wake her

"It's open boys come on in but be quite Lianas sleeping please" I say in a shouted whisper

"How was your play da-" i have to do a double take when I realised I have in fact not let the boys in but none other than Theo and Dane

"No no no you fuckfaces need to get out of my house right now, this is not okay you've done enough damage"

Dane moves around the sofa to look at her "Fuck she's lost so much weight and we did that"

"Yeah she hasn't been eating solid's since I've had her only drinking bottles and eating liquids "

"Ashton you've got to believe us we didn't want to hurt her I fucking swear, it was all his dad please it was him"

"What do you mean it was all Theo's dad, what have you guys done"

Theo sits down at her head stroking her "It was ages ago okay what we said about her being an old friend wasn't a lie, but she was a old friend that used to like us before Dane left right?"

I groan at his long story "Get to the god damn fucking point"

"Okay okay, she was our practice little until we or she found someone else but we didn't so this continued for a couple of months, until her father got close to our dad and he wanted us to continue for business. Long story short Dane couldn't do it so he left I broke things off with my dad and Sarah and now there back to ruin everything"

I look at them confused "so you're telling me that this whole thing was basically fake and you aren't cheating on Jay"

"Yes exactly it wasn't real please believe us"

"I might believe you but she probably won't she fell asleep screaming after Sarah answered the phone"

"Fuck man this is bad bu- what happened to her hair" he says anger in his voice

"Well the first day after we left we went and got it dyed and cut I couldn't exactly tell her no"

Jay starts to move on my lap her eyes opening
"Hi mommy I wake now"

"I see you're awake now baby, some people want to see you" I lift her up in my lap and that's when she sees there figures. She flinches back into my chest eyes glossy shaking her head

"No no no talk to meanie I hate dem no wike dem anymore, no my daddies" she says sad

Dane moves closer towards her rubbing her thighs "Baby I know it seems bad but please it was fake we don't want her we never did it's only you"

She doesn't budge out of my chest except to tell me that she's hungry. I laugh at her priorities walking towards the kitchen, I put her in her highchair just watching her babble to herself before I place fruits and cut up pancake and a bottle of juice on her tray

"Guys just give her time she's been through a lot" I hear the door open and tiny squeals join after

"Hi mommy hi uncle Dane hi uncle Theo" Leo and Jake say at the same time except Jake calls me ashy instead of mommy

"Hi baby's did you have a fun time" they nod there head sitting up at the island with Jay, she reaches for her strawberry before shoving it into jakes mouth

"Stawbewwy jakey" she giggles loudly after clapping her hands along with Jake

"Thanks May-May" he giggles wiping his wet mouth

May suddenly goes silent before staring at both Dane and Theo "Daddies why no wove May-May anymowe"

Tears start to drip down both there face as they crouch around her highchair. Theo kisses her forehead "fuck baby we've always loved you we might've made a really big mistake but we will always love you"

She uses her thumbs to wipe away both of there tears "No cwy daddies May wove you all da time dis big" she spreads her arms out wide showing then how much she loves them

"Thank you baby we love you that much aswell"
She giggles hugging them both with her sticky hands before winking at me, what a bratty little vixen

She looks at me pouting "I be big gwirl now pease diapee off Ashy"

"course you can be a big girl baby come here"
I lift her out of the highchair walking upstairs to my room and place her on the changing mat I take off her diaper wiping her down before sitting her up

"What undies do you want baby, I have some boxers but they might be a bit big is that okay"

She nods her head at me stepping into my black and white boxers. I take of her onesie throwing it into the hamper and place one of my sport's bras on her, however it's clearly too small as her perky tits squeeze to the top over spilling out the bra. For someone so small she sure does make up for it in other aspects

I giggle at her face "it's okay baby I'm sure your daddy's will be fine"

We walk back downstairs and she runs towards her daddy's like she hasn't seen them in ages, Theo looks towards her chest "Your tits have grown over fucking night"

He say smirking stuffing his face into the gap of her shirt, making her squeal and throw her head back. Such a little sex addict

 Such a little sex addict

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