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My headspace is around 4 to 5 right now the oldest I've basically ever been and I'm extremely bored and quite bratty as daddy keeps saying as I keep pulling on his shirt and whining

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My headspace is around 4 to 5 right now the oldest I've basically ever been and I'm extremely bored and quite bratty as daddy keeps saying as I keep pulling on his shirt and whining

"Daddy I'm so bored right now" I say whining exaggerating the y in daddy

He turns his head to me in annoyance " Mayah Jayliana rose what have I just said"

I pout "You said to stop being whiny and bratty or I'm gonna get punished"

"Exactly and you didn't listen in the corner please 10 minutes" I whine it's so embarrassing my grandparents just saw me get in trouble

He tells me to sit on the chair and stubborn me shakes my head no sitting on the floor instead in a attempt of a protest. He gets up going upstairs and comes down with my blue baby bag, filled with pull ups snacks and my bottles

I giggle to myself we're going somewhere. Dada comes out of the bathroom wet hair grey joggers and a black tank. He's got a big dick I wanna suck it, I lick my lips looking at him and feel myself getting picked up

"Hi dada you look nice and delicious"

"Well thank you babygirl, not too bad yourself"
I giggle and blush into his neck, I'm wearing a yellow summer dress with cut outs on the side

Daddy walks in with the bag on his shoulder looks at us and groans "Babe she was in time out for a reason"

Dada snickers "Sorry hun but she was too cute not to pick up"

He sits me down and puts on my white air forces, daddy says bye to everyone and heads down to start the car. We meet him in the car a couple seconds after and dada straps me into the car seat then joins daddy in the front seat

I kick my legs excitedly as they drive out of the driveway and sing loudly to the Disney music they've put on for me. Daddy looks at me in the mirror winking at me making me giggle softly

I look out the window and see a huge park with big slides food stands and soooo many kids.
"Park daddies park park park" i chant as they turn into to park their car, daddy comes round to my side of the car unstraps me and stands me on my feet as daddy grabs the baby bag

We walk into the park and daddy sets our stuff down on a baby blue picnic table before giving me a pineapple stick and telling me to have fun but stay close. I internally squeal and run out near a slide it's sage green and has a swirly shape.

I climb the ladder and see two girls sitting up here talking. When they see me they smile and wave at me enthusiastically "Hi thewe I'm Maddison and dis my sistew Addison"

I giggle this isn't any park it's a little park, I wave back at them "My names Mayah, wanna be friends"

They nod at me and I clap my hands happily
"Do you have a mommy or daddy cause I have two daddies"

Addison decides to speak up she has a soft and soothing voice "We has a mommy and a daddy"

"That's so cool we should have a play date at your house and I can bring my fwiend weo he's a wittle too"

We end up talking for a while still sitting at the top of the slide, when a girl climbs up the stairs
"Move please it's my turn to go down now and I'm a big girl so you'll listen to me"

We look at her confused but try and shuffle out the way when she grabs the straps of my dress
"No you go down the slide you can't be up here"

I whimper as her nails dig into my shoulders "I sorry I go down now okay i very sorry"

She giggles at me as tears form in my eyes "Your a little baby, anyway have fun don't hurt yourself on the way down"

She pushes me down the big slide on my back making me unable to grab the edges at the speed I'm going down. I sob on the way down my body hitting the sides of the slide rather hard

I scream for my daddies. For anyone but no one comes as I land at the bottom of the slide my head hitting a rock at the side. Maddie and Addie run towards me helping me out

"I want my daddies, I want my daddies"i murmur as they wobble towards a bench in the corner where my daddies sit

"Pease help her pease she doesn't look okay"
I get taken out of their arms and sat on dada's lap "Fuck what happened to her"

Addison sniffles "I-I don't know hew name bu-but someone push her down da swide and she hit hew head on a big wock"

"Thank you so much girls, here give this to your daddy or mommy and we'll call you later okay" I see them nod their heads before running off

"My head huwts I feel dizzy daddies" I say my words coming out slurred. I touch the top of my head where the pain is the most and feel a sticky liquid looking at my hands they're covered in a dark red "da da da daddies"

I murmur before my body gives out and I fall limp in dada's arms. I partly feel myself being picked up and I'm assuming dadas running as the wind hits my face aggressively

"Fuck Theo drive faster" dada shouts
"I'm fucking trying man chill out" daddy says honking his horn swerving through traffic

"Fucking finally babe" dada runs into the hospital screaming frantically, searching for help from anyone who would give it



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