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I walk into the bakery "La vita In Rosa" which means the life in pink in Italian slamming the door a little harder than I was meant to causing all eyes to be directed at little old me I instantly feel my cheeks heat up and scurry out of the people...

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I walk into the bakery "La vita In Rosa" which
means the life in pink in Italian slamming the door a little harder than I was meant to causing all eyes to be directed at little old me I instantly feel my cheeks heat up and scurry out of the peoples eye

Im here early which I know Is probably a good thing because I'll get paid more, but who wants to be at work early cause I know I don't

I  put on the lilac apron that my aunt got me as a thank you gift, when really I should've been thanking her for giving me the job, I turn around to see my two most favourite people in the world Landon and Ashton there my best friends and we've stuck together ever since I joined here people but what I failed to notice was the familiar looking guy from the school standing right behind them

I don't know what came over me maybe it's the fact I missed a lesson or the fact that I had to start work early but instead of going to talk to Anders and Ash like i normally do I stomped to the back room

I feel a vibration in my apron pocket which could only mean one thing it's my Zia, she has this habit of watching me on her camera's to make sure I'm working, it sounds creepier than it actually is, and I would judge her if it wasn't for the fact she caught me taking an unusual amount of breaks while snacking on the bakery goods,I cautiously pick up the phone waiting to hear her outburst because god knows the amount of little things that get her angry

But she doesn't say anything
"Hey aunt,are you there" I question
"Sweetie, I know I ask a lot but are you okay" she asks her voice coming out shaky
"No I'm not, I'm trying to cope by myself Im tired and bored of this same cycle of life I'm constantly going to school and going to work just to provide for pennie, I love her to bits but I was forced to be a adult at the age of thirteen" I sob, my body rocking back and forth and my shoulders shaking at the force of my tears

I can feel the presence of other people in the room with me, but I don't care I let my head reach the comfort of my knees and slowly drift of the last thing I remember is the faint face of the same guy from the school
"Your going to be okay little one,I've got you now" he says kissing my forehead

I can feel the presence of other people in the room with me, but I don't care I let my head reach the comfort of my knees and slowly drift of the last thing I remember is the faint face of the same guy from the school"Your going to be okay little ...

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"Your going to be okay dove,I've got you now"
I muttered into her hair,smelling it as a way to calm me down trying not to destroy anything because I know it won't solve her issues

My friends had been telling me about there little coworker who could put a smile on anyone's face I doubted that she was anything special,But when I walked into there bakery I didn't expect to see her there .My little one I pick up her shaking form and she immediately responds by snuggling her head into the crook of my neck

I look down at her and smile, noticing every little detail on her fair skin. From her small button nose to the light freckles scattered around her face,I could see every detail and from this day forward I knew what I wanted her to be and it was mine

 From her small button nose to the light freckles scattered around her face,I could see every detail and from this day forward I knew what I wanted her to be and it was mine

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