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We get out of the car and I step out holding daddy's hand and I hear him tell dada to get my stroller out from the trunk

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We get out of the car and I step out holding daddy's hand and I hear him tell dada to get my stroller out from the trunk. No no no stroller not in public people will see and make fun of me

I pull on daddy's hand shaking my head "no stwollew daddy people see and laugh"

He crouches down cupping my cheeks "Babydoll no one's gonna think anything your small enough to be a little child but if people do say something dada will beat them up okay baby"

I nod my head getting into the stroller and let daddy push me into a brightly coloured cafe
I close my eyes not wanting anyone to see me when daddy pokes his head through the stroller telling me to open them so I do and now I regret closing them

I squeal bouncing in my stroller "Oh my gosh daddies it's so pwetty, Out now pease"

"If we let you out you have to hold our hand okay?" I nod my head letting dada take me out and stand me on my feet. I turn around on my feet taking in everything before running towards the stuffy stand

Oh my snickerdoodles there all so pretty I go to pick one up before I feel a tug on my onesie
"We're gonna have to get you a collar and leash if you keep running off babygirl"

Dada whispers in my ear "would you like a collar and leash Rosie" I whimper hiding my face in embarrassment in his torso nodding my head

Dada smirks "I knew you would little baby which is why we've already got you one"

"Weally daddies" they both nod their head walking up to a counter at the front

Daddy looks at the lady sternly "Pickup for Mayah Jayliana Mckenzie Reeves"

The lady perks up going behind her desk and giving daddy a velvet black box. He opens the box and there's a pink collar with a crown a paw print pendant and a matching pink leash

"On pease daddies"

He lifts up my hair and wraps it around my neck attaching the leash "Are you gonna be your daddies little puppy"

I nod my head making the pendant rattle daddy walks closer to me whispering in my ear "Then on the floor baby crawl like a good pup"

I bend down going onto my knees and crawl over to the closest table. Dada slides in first then me and daddy on the other side of me still holding the leash, I pick up the menu and start to look over to see what I want

"Daddy French toast please" I say tapping the menu

Daddy calls the waiter over and orders one French toast with eggs and bacon and two full English breakfast. The lady says the wait will be about 20 to 30 minutes due to the business

I sit and colour in the back of the menu when I feel daddy lift his hand onto the higher part of my thigh and move onto the inside. He unbuttons my onesie and I glare at him
"Daddy what are you doing"

When he shushes me with his finger "Let daddy take care of his little puppy"

His finger circles round my clit the wetness soaking through the lace of my panties his full hand covers my pussy before I feel a gush of wind. He ripped them

He passes them over to dada who sniffs them before moaning and putting them down his trousers over his cock as he jerks of watching me

Soft moans escape my lips when I feel two of his thick fingers roughly slide into me. My head rolls back onto the chair as I grind my pussy into him fucking his hand

"Your such a dirty puppy fucking your daddies fingers in public and getting wet all over the seat"

"Are you a dirty puppy baby? Are you"

I repeatedly nod my head moving faster into his hand "Yes daddy I'm your dirty puppy fucking your fingers in public now please make me cum"

His thick fingers thrust into me faster and harder making me fall over the edge as the pleasure intensified. I spread my legs wider as I feel my orgasm closer making daddy slap my pussy

"The waiters coming baby open your eyes as I fuck you with my fingers making you cum right under his nose"

My eyes instantly open as I see the waiter come into my eyesight carrying a tray of our food.
"Here you go hope you enjoy if you have any complaints or anything to ask just ring your bell-

He stands there waffling on for a while and I zone him out relishing in the pleasure daddy's giving me. My back slowly arches of the chair and dada pushes me back down. My body shivers in pleasure as I cum my legs shake and my warm cum covers daddy's fingers

I zone back into the space to see daddy sucking his fingers and before the waiter leaves mouthing something along the lines of "You dirty girl" before winking at me

My cheeks go red and I dig into my food ignoring daddy and dada "Stop being a brat and answer your dada" daddy says pulling my leash

"Sorry dada I didn't hear you"

"I said for you to open your little mouth so I can put my cum inside of you" I look over at dada and see a wet mark on his joggers and cum filling my panties

I open my mouth wide letting dadas fingers inside. I suck up and down his fingers sucking his juices as if it was his cock before pulling them out with a pop

Picking up my knife and fork I start eating my yummy food. It doesn't take long for us to all finish our food so we're just sat here talking "Daddies I go pway now pease"

Dada looks at me softly "On any other we'd let you play baby but we've got something to be so another day okay"

My bottom lip juts out and starts wobbling as tears fall out my eyes "B-but pway pease now"

Daddy pulls lightly on my leash "Baby dada just told you why you can't play either respect that and stop crying or we're leaving right now"

That just makes me cry even more. Daddy lifts me up placing me on his hip while daddy folds up the stroller. He unclips my leash putting it in my bag and puts me in my car seat. They both get in the car and daddy tells me to go to sleep because it's gonna be a long drive.

 They both get in the car and daddy tells me to go to sleep because it's gonna be a long drive

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