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We're all in the club sitting around a large table drinks out all over the place

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We're all in the club sitting around a large table drinks out all over the place. The tables loud with everyone trying to shout over the music as I just sit between my two daddies glaring at the girls trying to take a look at what's mine

I'm not gonna lie the club was more fun when I was underage. I grab my drink off the table and down it without a thought trying to get myself to ease up, I go to grab another when Danes hand grab it from me with a stern look on him

"You've had enough for now drink some water"
I pout at him crawling onto his lap straddling him
"Your no fun baby, I'm just trying to have fun you want me to have fun right" I say into his ear kissing down his neck leaving marks and bites

He throws his head back moaning nodding his head "F-fuck yes you have your fun just keep grinding babygirl"
I giggle at him continuing my slow movements when I get pulled of by Theo shaking his head

"We're in a club have some respect for once and stop being a little slut save it for at home"
His words would've hurt me if I didn't like the way he degraded me half the time and I sit with a pout and crossed arms to show my anger

You would definitely be surprised of how easy it is to manipulate and Dom over Dane when looking at the two, Theo looks like a giant softie but oh no that's where we're all severely wrong

The twins run back over giggling pulling me up into there arms "Come dance with us gorgeous"

I laugh wrapping my arms around them and kissing both there cheeks making them blush
"Of course I'll dance with both of you hotties"
We run off into the dance floor but not before winking at my two obviously hard daddies

We slowly grind up against each other me in the middle of them as we let the song Hotel Room play out. We can all feel the hungry stares of the men and the women watching us but we don't care and continue dancing sweat dripping off of us from the intensity of our movements

The song finally ends and we run up to the bar
"Three strawberry daiquiris thanks" Maddie says
"Ye and put it on Theo Reeves tabs please and thank you"

He winks at us smiling before passing us our drinks, the cold drink fills my mouth making me moan "This is so fucking delicious babe"

We all stumble off of the stools running back to the booth where everyone has gathered back up. Landon gathers me in his lap bouncing me around sniffing all around me

"You smell a lot like alcohol little one, how many have drunk" I giggle at him I don't even know why cause nothing's funny but I'm full on laughing, I lift my fingers up to his face holding up one singular finger
"I've had dis many landy" my voice comes out slurred

"If that's what you look like after one I don't wanna see you after three" Theo says sternly not looking at all impressed whatsoever

I cover his mouth with my hands. "Your such a old man daddy lighten up its just a drink" the twins mommy and daddy come back up a giggling mess squeezing my cheeks tightly

"Oh happy birthday my sweet girl" I hug them tight crying at there kindness when Landon groans "it's time to leave guys there all such emotional drunks"

I giggle at Landon "Would you rather I publicly fuck my daddies instead and give you all a show" I say crawling towards my daddies with a smirk clear on my face

Theo pulls me swinging me over his shoulder a hands firmly over my back and one on my ass. "She's clearly also a horny fucking drunk, she's trying to grab your dick" Landon shouts

I laugh at him "Silly Landon if you want me to suck your dick just tell me when and where baby"

Daddy roughly slaps my ass before groaning in my ear "I'm so going to red your ass when we get back and make sure you can't sit for weeks"

Maybe it's the fact that I'm upside down and all the bloods rushing to my head or the amount of alcohol I've consumed but I'm feeling really sick right now. I tap his back repeatedly when he lifts me up looking at me worried

"What's the matter baby what's wrong"
"I-I feel weally weally sick daddy I think I'm gonna vomit"

His eyes widen as he rushes me through the cried and straight to the bathroom, where I immediately lurch for the toilet vomiting into it
He rubs my back cooing at me as I begin to dry heave and wipe my mouth on my arm

I cling onto him when I start to feel cold and shiver my teeth start to chatter repeatedly, he covers me in his jacket before rushing me out of the bathroom and to the others who are waiting by the door drinking water's

"Fuck guys there's something wrong with her, she's vomiting, shivering and saying she's cold but she's fucking boiling man I don't know what to do" they all look at me worried when I start to giggle through the chattering of my teeth

"I-I'm f-fine guys it's j-just a small c-cold n-no b-biggie" dada looks at me shushing me with his finger ushering us all out of the door and into the cars "Da-daddy I feel co-cold" and the last thing I remember is dada telling Ash and the twins mommy and daddy to take all the littles home cause we were going to the hospital

"I-I'm f-fine guys it's j-just a small c-cold n-no b-biggie" dada looks at me shushing me with his finger ushering us all out of the door and into the cars "Da-daddy I feel co-cold" and the last thing I remember is dada telling Ash and the twins m...

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