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I run back over to where i can see Theo and jump onto his back scaring him

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I run back over to where i can see Theo and jump onto his back scaring him. He screams like a girl dropping his phone onto the floor making me piss myself with laughter. He turns around scowling at me "You stupid stupid little fucker you could've warned me or something"

I scoff "well where would be the fun in that you loser"

I look around not seeing May anywhere and start to panic "hey where the hell is may"

"Chill out babe she's just in the toilet" he says brushing me off
"And when the hell was that, I've been gone for like 15 minutes" I say starting to shout, his skin pales and he runs off towards the bathroom.
"May baby where are you this isn't the time to hide"

I start pushing open cubicles when I notice a phone on the floor, I grab it off the floor and turn it on. It's definitely her phone from the picture of us on the front screen. I punch the cubicle door in turning to face a crying Theo

I storm towards him grabbing his shirt "This is your fucking fault you prick I asked y-you t-to watch her you're always fucking her up Theo"

He cries shaking his head "I'm sorry Dane I'm so fucking sorry"
I sigh bringing him into a hug "I know baby I know"

We walk out of the bathroom running out into the parking lot and straight into the parking lot, I connect my phone to the car's Bluetooth and call Aston, who picks up after 3 rings

"Hey guys what's up" she practically shouts down the phone
"Ashton who are you with right now" Theo shouts back
"Damn Theo chill, I'm just with lily Toby and the boys"
"Hey ash it's me can you all make It to our house like right now" I say panicking
"Yeah sure buts what's the ru-"
"Not now ash just get your asses to our house like now" Theo says before hanging up

I look at him "What was that for man"
"What was what for, she was being slow and nows not the time"
"We wouldn't be in this mess if you just watched her like I asked" after that he remained quiet for the rest of the drive, picking at his nails

We arrived around 5 minutes later and as we pulled up so did Ash's car with everyone in it, we all run into the house and into the front room, "Hey guys where's Mayah" Landon asks

"She's gone, she's fucking gone man they took her"  I sob my face in my hands

"What do you mean they took her who took her Dane" Ash starts to shout getting angrier
"Her parents Ash it was her parents I m-mean we think it was her parents, Theo let her go to the toilet a-and she was g-gone for too long so we went to check and her phone was there but she wasn't Ash" i cry into her arms

"It's okay we'll find her Dane I promise you we'll find her"

Landon brings me a cup of coffee and we all sit down round the small table. "I erm texted your uncle and he's trying to get us the cctv from around where she went missing" Ash says in a whisper

"Hey why you over there Theo come sit here it's going to be tough on you aswell" Toby says patting the other side of him

"He's sitting over there because it's his fault that she's fucking missing isn't that right, you isolated yourself from her this past week and now you've really abandoned her. You know what I fucking hate you Theo. I really do"

"He doesn't mean that Theo I know that for a fact he loves you he's just angry and upset"

I jump up slamming my cup down onto the table "Absolute bullshit Leo, your girlfriend isn't the one that's been kidnapped has she"

I storm off up the stairs and into our room sitting on the side she's been sleeping on recently. I get a message on my laptop it's from my uncle Nick, he's the closest family I have and I'm said to be taking over his business after he retires

He's sent me the cctv of the bathroom area and it's surrounding areas. It starts when she enters the bathroom and a hooded figure following after her, five minutes after it shows her with the same hooded figure except she's knocked out in his arms, to anyone she may have looked asleep but I could from the lack of movement

The figures good falls of for a quick second and I know who it is from the slight scar under his eye. It's Fucking Phoenix he knocked her out and took her

I immediately email him back and ask him to put out an Apb for a Phoenix Williams and to get back to me when he's got something. I fall down onto the bed with a sigh hugging her soft pink pillow that she always sleeps with, it still smells like her. Strawberries and Cream

My mind goes into a whirl as everything comes crashing down on me like a pain I've never felt before. I don't hate Theo I love him I really do but the pain in my heart is convincing me I do

If we can't find her I don't know what I'd do, I mean I'd still have Theo but Rosie holds us together

If we can't find her I don't know what I'd do, I mean I'd still have Theo but Rosie holds us together

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