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It's been about a week since Jay was last awake and fuck if it hasn't affected us all in some way or another

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It's been about a week since Jay was last awake and fuck if it hasn't affected us all in some way or another. Theo is more quiet and doesn't talk to anyone trying to figure out who did this, Leo is constantly in little space and has regressed further than ever making ash worried, the twins don't come around a lot anymore and we communicate with them through lily and Toby and Landon and Jacob have drifted from each other and don't talk

And me I'm trying to keep everyone together and am failing miserably. It's my p got paid to slip the drug on her drink

"I'm so sorry baby we checked the cctv of that night and using my fathers computer analysts we e-erm realised it was a couple, a erm jack and Linda rose"

As soon as those words left my mouth her heart monitor spiked causing a loud beeping to occur and her fingers to twitch in my hold. I press the red button as many doctors come rushing in and pushing me out. I grab my phone and call Theo who immediately says he'll be on his way along with everyone else.

I sit in the waiting room when frantic voices come barrelling in. I run into Theo's arms kissing his forehead and holding him as everyone shouts over each other asking what happened, as I go to speak doctor miller emerges with a smile

"I have good news Mayah is awake"

We all go silent before we start throwing questions at him

"Is she okay"
"Can we go see her"
"What happened"
"Is she back to normal"
"Does she remember us"

Doctor Miller laughs at us " From what I can see, yes she is okay and back to normal she may experience slight headaches and pain and yes you can go see her but please be quiet"

We all walk in slowly and see Jay sitting up in bed eating a cup of jello. When she sees us she immediately perks up excitedly smiling, I mean smiling the amount she's been through and she's smiling, this is why I fucking love her

"Hi guys I missed you all soo much" she laughs
Penelope pushes through us and and hugs her tightly "Are you okay Rosie I was so fucking worried for you"

"Pennie I'm perfectly fine okay I'm here now, but what I'm not fine with is that swearing" she sheepishly backs away hiding into the sofa

I see the twins and i wave them over, they slowly walk over to me tears in there eyes before they tightly hug me. "You can't do that to us May-May we were so worried about you your our only girl friend what would we do without you" I hug them back tightly stroking there hair before Lily and Toby pick them up walking them out the room

Everyone slowly filters out of the room and I'm left with my two handsome boys. They silently stare at each over before walking over to me, looking slightly disheveled with messy hair and clothes. "You guys look nice and tidy" I tease at them, when Theo's eyes flick to me with pain

"Lay off the teasing and sarcasm yes we may look like shit but it's not our fault we decided to stay with you this whole week while you were out was it. No we did it out of fucking love" he shouts before leaving slamming the door

"A w-week i didn't kn-know it has been a-a week I'm so sorry d-dada I didn't mean it I promise" I sob into his arms heaving up and down

He massages my head "baby don't cry I know you didn't mean he's just sensitive he thought he was gonna lose you, he'll be back don't worry"


I've been sitting in my little room for a while now, it's a room that my daddies built for me when I needed space or time to myself and they can't come in without my consent it's great

I'm sitting in my cage, it's reminds me of daddy which is why I'm sitting in it I've never used it before, but he calls me his little kitten and I've come to love it a lot. He says it's called pet play which is why he's got my a leash,cat ears and a matching butt plug tail which I'm currently wearing all of right now. The door knocks and I crawl out of my cage towards the door to see daddy

He looks down at me cooing before picking me up. "Your so cute baby daddies little kitten hm"

I nudge into him not talking as he walks down the stairs where I see daddy on the couch with a glass of probably brandy. He hears us coming and instantly turns his head where his eyes darken with lust. I get placed in daddy's lap and I curl up into him as he strokes me softly

"I'm sorry baby daddy was just angry he didn't mean to shout at you he was just upset kitten I promise I love you too much to leave you or your dada" he whispers into my ears

I whine on his lap as he stands up walking towards the kitchen and grabs me a bottle a blanket and pillows. "I'm doing some work in my office but you can sit on the sofa okay"

I nod my head with a pout as we walk into the office when he places me on the sofa wrapped up in blankets as he sits down I crawl off the sofa with all the blankets and under his desk laying my head on his thigh

"What you doing down there silly kitten" he says peeking down at me, however I don't say anything and just shift further into his warmth wrapping myself around his leg

He shakes his leg repeatedly almost vibrating it the feeling of it lulling me to sleep as I lay curled up onto my blankets the last thing I hear is a deep "good night kitten" from my daddy

He shakes his leg repeatedly almost vibrating it the feeling of it lulling me to sleep as I lay curled up onto my blankets the last thing I hear is a deep "good night kitten" from my daddy

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