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I whimper at the figure "Go away I'll tell my daddies"

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I whimper at the figure "Go away I'll tell my daddies"

The figure comes into the light and it is my daddy, but he looks different his eyes look more dilated and darker and he's only wearing grey joggers. "Daddy are you okay"

He smirks chuckling "You've ignored me for far too long baby and daddy hasn't been able to touch his little princess" he stalks closer towards me grabbing my hand and placing it on his bulging erection

"Do you see what you've done to me, you left me like this almost all day and now daddy wants his fucking fix"

He pushes me down onto the bed his two hands on either side of my head placing his face in my neck smelling me before growling

He takes of my shorts and roughly spreads my legs apart placing his body between me, he gets onto his knees smelling my pussy while moaning. "Fuck baby you smell so good"

He rubs me through my panties before grabbing the strings and ripping them off making me whine "Shut the fuck up I'll get you new ones now be a good girl and keep your legs there"

He places his mouth over my clit just teasing me with small licks and bites pushing me closer to the edge he does this for a while before stiffening his tongue and diving into my whole. I close my legs around his head vibrating against him

"Fuck fuck fuck daddy oh right there" I moan
He grabs his hand placing it on my clit rubbing and flicking. I roughly grab onto his hair my legs shaking and vibrating against his leg, when he thrusts his fingers into me curling them as he repeatedly hits my g-spot "Cum"

And I do hard I try to move away from his mouth as he holds me tightly against making me ride out my high. He gets up his mouth glistening with my cum as he smirks, I relax back into my bed sighing

He chuckles "Tired already cause we're not done baby, daddy's gone fuck your tight little while like he hates you. Do you know why hm"

I look down knowing why but lie anyway going red "Why daddy"

He grips my neck making me stare him in the eyes "because you my darling think it's okay to disrespect your daddy you've done it a lot today and your pushing my fucking limit so I have to fuck the disrespect out of you"

He walks towards me flipping me on my front and pulls me up on my stomach arching my back. He pulls down his joggers, his hard dick hitting him in the stomach, he rubs the tip on my pussy never fully penetrating just teasing

It's silent before he roughly forces himself into me making me scream in pain and pleasure
He grabs my neck whispering into my ear
"Does that feel good you little slut, you want daddy to hate fuck you all the time"

I moan clenching around his thick cock "yes daddy I want you to fuck me like this all the time I love it"

He continues to mercilessly pound into me grunting with every thrust, he massages my ass before spanking me hard making sure to keep up his rapid pace. He pokes his finger around my ass before thrusting his finger inside of me

"Fuck fuck fuck daddy that hurts so good"
He continues to thrust his finger into me before pushing another finger in me

"Your daddies are gonna fuck your sweet little ass soon enough baby just you wait"

I moan at his words gripping my hands into the bedsheets to the point where there going white
My eyes roll back into my head from the pace he's fucking me at.

"Daddy daddy I can't do this p-please stop I'm gonna cum" I whine into the sheet

He pulls me up by my head "Well until you cum I'm going to continue fucking you okay"

I nod my head opening my mouth to speak but no words come out. He roughly slaps my cheek
"Is daddy fucking you so good that his pathetic baby can't speak. How sad"

I moan feeling a weight in my core before letting it out with a scream. I'm squirting and it feels so fucking good

"Fuck baby just like that your such a good girl"
He rubs my pussy prolonging me squirting

"Daddy I-I'm g-gonna" but before I finish talking I'm cumming. My pussy clenches around his cock squeezing him like a vice. He moans in my ear before stilling

I then feel his warm cum spill into my pussy warming my insides,up as he pulls of me I moan loudly from the pain but also from the immense pleasure I'm feeling right now

He picks me up taking me to the bathroom and waits for me to pee before cleaning us both up. He picks me back up rocking me on his hip and kisses my forehead repeatedly.

"Your such a good girl baby, daddy loves you so much"

I whine at him "Your gonna make me slip daddy"

"That should teach you not to ignore or be rude to your daddy shouldn't it"

He picks up his phone checking the time to see it's 3am. "Looks like I've kept you up huh, let's get you a snack"

We creso into dadas room and go to the mini fridge in the corner that isn't really a mini fridge but rather a normal sized one. He opens it up grabbing me a strawberry yogurt and placed some into a bottle before giving it to me

I finish my yoghurt placing it in the bin before getting in the middle of my daddies still suckling on my bottle. They both instantly cuddle up to me, dadas hands on my boobs while daddy's are between my legs and on my bum.

I sigh into the bed "I love you daddies"

I sigh into the bed "I love you daddies"

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