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I groan as they both pull out of me and whimper when I suddenly feel empty and cold

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I groan as they both pull out of me and
whimper when I suddenly feel empty and cold. Daddy lifts me up taking me into the bathroom and sits me on the toilet waiting for me to finish. Dada gives me a bottle of water and waits for me to drink it all before placing me into the warm bath

I moan as my muscles relax into the bath and dada rubs the rag down my back soothing the knots in my lower back, he places some of my favourite strawberry and cream soap onto it making sure to go easy on the sensitive parts of my body. He picks me up wrapping a towel around me when I see my body

It's littered in dark purple and yellow bruises with the occasional bite marks and when I say littered I mean my thighs stomach boobs neck and even spaces on my back making me pout

Daddy places me in my panties and goes to put on my bra when I shake my head telling him I don't want it. "What's the matter baby"

"I can't wear my dresses anymore daddy this is all your fault" he chuckles as dada lifts me up covering me with a jacket as he walks out the room

"That's what you're worried about and not the fact that you're gonna be sore tomorrow"

Dada places me in the back seat of the car
"Go to bed baby it's gonna be a little while"

"Okay dada I love you. I love you daddy thank you for today"


I wake up with a loud groan and a empty bed I kick my legs hissing at the pain and waddle to get to the bathroom. I do my business and also brush my teeth and wash my face, I walk into the closet and take out a tube top and joggers

I walk downstairs and see Landon Leo Ash and even Jacob. I squeal running down the stairs and straight into Ash's arms making her pick me up. "Hi little munchkin how have you been"

"I've been good but I missed you so much"

"I've missed you too babygirl, and I can tell you've been good look at your body"

My cheeks darken red as daddy picks me up kissing my forehead. "This is all your fault" I pout hitting him

"But was I the one begging for two cocks baby"
I slam my hands on his mouth telling him to shush. I tell him to put me down and run over to ash, "I'm staying with ash today, it's a girls day and you're not invited"

His eyes go wide "that's not fair baby I'm sorry"
Dada snickers "your not invited lover boy"

"Ahem neither are you your a boy no?" Ash says pointing at him

My eyes light up "Daddy Daddy we can invite Addison and Madison"

He groans "yes baby we can invite them if we must"

Daddy leaves the room to go and call there mommy and daddy and I squeal getting excited
The boys stare at me weirdly with pouts on there faces and I know what there's going to ask "No no no absolutely not this is for girls only and you're all yucky boy's"

Landon walks up to me squishing my cheeks "Little baby cmon I'm your uncle landy I haven't seen you in ages let me stay"

I pretend to think about it for a while before giggling and shaking my head. Daddy walks in with dada groaning they'll be here in about 15 minutes. I run into there arms "Thank you thank you"


The five boys left a while ago they went to some club or something in town while I sit on the sofa with Ash and the two girls. We've watched a couple movies and are now we're just sat here talking a glass of wine in all of our hands

"I'm so glad I met you guys at the park your so lovely to me" I giggle snorting, both the girls giggle with me "we're glad we met you too silly we don't have alot of friends"

Ash snorts louder than us all "Fuck I'm so very screwed, you guys shouldn't be drinking and neither should I"

I rub her back in comfort "It's okay Ashy you won't be in trouble"

Addie rolls of the sofa with a moan "Ye not you ash but maybe May look at her body already"

I scoff at her "Shut up Addie and ashy I'm so hungry please can we get pizza"

"Ooo ye pizza I'm up for that hold on" she grabs her phone calling the pizza while me and the girls chat. "So May May do you and your daddies have sex"

I giggle at her "Really you couldn't tell of course we have sex silly billy they took me to a Bdsm club yesterday it was so good"

They squeal getting excited "That's so cool we've never been to one we should all go to one a little girls trip"

"Do you have sex with your mommy and daddy"

The girls blush red nodding "yeah but it's nothing like you guys"

We all pour out another drink as we hear the doorbell, ash runs up to get the door when we hear a "Oh shit"

The door opens and in comes the boys and the twins mommy and daddy with the pizza . Ash nervously rubs her neck "Hey everyone what's g-going on"

I squeal jumping on the sofa with the girls "It can be a giant sleepover with everyone we have loads of space daddies"

They groan "you smell like alcohol baby why are you always drinking when we're gone" daddy says putting the pizza down

"I know why cause she's a little alcoholic aren't you baby a little alcoholic for your daddies" dada says groaning in my ears

" dada your always so horny" I shout at him making him snicker and slap my ass
"Only for you baby only for you and maybe that jackass over there"

" dada your always so horny" I shout at him making him snicker and slap my ass"Only for you baby only for you and maybe that jackass over there"

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