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Running up the stairs with Leo behind me I pull him by his arm into the little corner I have in daddy's room

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Running up the stairs with Leo behind me I pull him by his arm into the little corner I have in daddy's room. We make our way to my little pink table with a antique tea set sitting on top

"Would chu wike some tea good sir"

"Wes pease madam" he says tipping his tea cup towards me

We play tea party for a little while longer when i hear Leo sigh and moan

"Was da matta weo" I ask putting my cup down
"I no wanna pway no more" he says getting up onto daddy's bed

His eyes light up as he bounces up and down on the bed

"Wets pway twuth or dare"

"Ooo Wes go" I say jumping on the bed next to him, I point at him telling him to go first

"Twuth or dare May May"

I pull a thinking face tapping my face with my finger

"Dare" I shout at him

His eyes light up and he smirks while clapping
"I dare chu to go into your daddy's closet and wear his work cwothes"

This might not seem like a bad dare but to me it is I don't like getting in trouble and I don't know if daddy will like me getting his clothes dirty but you know what they say a dare is a dare

"Otay" I say running into his closet I pull of my pyjamas and find a white t-shirt and a red tie
Pulling on the t-shirt I don't bother to find any pants because the shirt comes down past my knees and the tie stays badly wrapped around my neck

I walk out with a high posture and a serious face pointing my finger out at Leo.
"Do dis, go do dat, get me cwoffee"

Leo laughs hard tears pouring down his face so much that he falls off the bed with a thump, he climbs back on the bed rubbing his bottom

"Twuth or dare weo"

He instantly says truth, and I smirk as I already know what I'm gonna ask and it's about him and Ashton's relationship

"Wats you favrite thin bout ash" I ask giggling

His cheeks turn a pinky red as he looks down onto the bed fiddling with his fingers and nails
"Well I wike h-her boo eyes and-and her pink wips and how she gives me her special Milkies"

"Aww weo is in wuv" I coo at him as he scowls at me lightly hitting my shoulder

"Stawp tawking my tun, Twuth or dare"

Considering the fact that I'm still in daddy's work clothes I'm not going with dare again
"Erm twuth pwease"

"Ooo I know wats sometink you no tell you dada"

My eyes go wide as tears start to cover my eyes making my vision blurry, I know the one thing I haven't told my daddy yet and I don't plan on it cause he's gonna leave May forever and ever. And and just thinking about it makes tears fall

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