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I wake up early in the morning with the sun shining in through the curtains hitting me directly in my eyes

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I wake up early in the morning with the sun shining in through the curtains hitting me directly in my eyes. I rub my eyes with the back off my hands trying to get rid of the sleep

I look next to me to see ash sitting up reading a book with glasses on, I try to open my mouth to say good morning but still no words come out worrying me. I move around in the bed trying to get comfortable when I feel something wet underneath me ands that's when I remember I'm wearing a diaper.

I whine trying to get Ash's attention when she puts down her book looking at me with bright eyes. "Good morning beautiful"

I smile at her considering the fact that's basically all of what I can do. She looks at me still smiling when she picks me up and walks us over to the changing mat.

She undoes my dirty diaper wrapping it back up and throwing it in the bin like a basketball player and I giggle at her silliness clapping my hands together. She grabs another princess diaper repeating the same steps as she did yesterday. She goes into her same bag before placing a plain white top on me, it covered majority of my diaper but if I was to bend down I'd be majorly exposed.

Picking me up she wakes up Leo with kisses all over his face and he moans in annoyance telling her to stop. He finally gets up smiling
"Morning mommy"

"Good morning my little fairy come here so I can change you"

Ash puts me down on the bed and picks up Leo instead repeating the same steps as when she had me, she puts him in a matching white shirt to me. Picking us both up off the bed she places us on opposite sides taking us downstairs.

She turns into the kitchen and places me in my own highchair continuing to hold Leo on her hip while she goes into the fridge grabbing a bunch of fruits out and two vanilla yoghurts

She cuts the fruits into small pieces placing them on a small plate for Leo and putting them directly onto my highchair table with a yoghurt
and a plastic spoon.

She sits down with Leo and we all comfortably eat in silence with ash occasionally picking of fruit from Leo's plate. "Wawa pease mommy"
Leo says breaking the silence and she gets up and grabs him a cup

She looks up at me as I mush fruits into my mouth "sorry baby did you want some water too"

I look at her eyes wide while nodding my head
She goes to get up when she's stopped by a groggy looking Theo "don't worry I'll grab it"
He goes into the cupboard grabbing out a Disney princess cup and pours water in it.

It may off been a small amount of water but I was still able to spill a large sum of the icy liquid on myself. I look up at ash, eyes wide and glossy before tears immediately start to drip from my eyes. I whimper from the coldness wanting the wet t-shirt of off me

"Are you fucking stupid Theo look at her and tell me that she's able to hold a proper cup"

"I'm fucking sorry alright I usually give her a cup"

"Well if you couldn't fucking tell her little age is smaller than what it usually is no thanks to you"Ash walks towards me removing my top leaving me in my diaper and a small cropped top I had on. I look up and see Theo staring at me with confusion

"Why is she wearing a diaper Ashton"

I see her get angrier as she rolls her eyes
"Well like I fucking said Theodore you shouting at her made her regress so far that she's having to wear diapers, you shouting at her made her regress so far that she hasn't said a word in more than 24hrs"

She picks me and Leo up taking us upstairs to get ready for the day

Me and Leo are sitting downstairs in the living room watching DocMcstuffins on Disney +. He put it on because he said it's gonna make me happier but I don't believe him. I still haven't spoken a word to anyone and ash said she's worried about me, it's not that I don't want to speak because I really do but it's like my body wont let me because of what Theo did

I lay my head down on Leo's lap as he strokes my hair twiddling his small fingers around a piece. As I lay my head down it gives me time to think about how I got to this position in life, I started off with a good job working at a loving bakery/cafe I then met Theo I became his little and then he made me quit my job,Pennie basically moved out and now me and Theo are always arguing so yay

Thinking about everything from the start has just made me think about how sad my life actually is, I sob on Leo's lap the pain of everything finally catching up on me making me feel weak and tired as I fall asleep on his lap.

Rubbing my eyes I wake up in a room I can only recognise as Theo's. My eyes widen as I try to scramble out of the bed, stepping down onto the ground my legs feel woozy and numb as I collapse down onto the hard floor, i whimper in pain when I feel myself being lifted back onto the bed by a half naked and wet Theo I scramble back onto the bed and I see his face break as he paces back and forth in the room whacking things off cabinets drawers.

He mumbles a 'fuck' under his breath and slowly walks up to me with a small smile

"Fuck baby I-I'm sorry I shouldn't of jumped to conclusions Leo told me what really happened and baby you didn't cheat on me you was forced a-and I get it now a-and I'm sorry"

My eyes widen at his confession and I set a reminder in my head to scold Leo about keeping his mouth shut. I look up at him as tears drip down my face, I tilt my head at him

"Daddy be bery bery sowwy chu pwomise"

His eyes widen as he hears my voice and he vigorously nods his head up and down

"Yes baby daddy is so very sorry i pinkie promise" he says holding out his pinkie

I hold out my pinkie wrapping it around his.
I jump off the bed and into his arms clinging to him like a koala digging my face into his neck and tightly squeezing my arms round him

"I miss chu daddy" I say having not seen him for more than 48hrs

"I missed you more babygirl"

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