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I roll over onto my side when the light from the curtain blinds me in my eyes making me fall off the bed the sheets barely softening my hard fall

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I roll over onto my side when the light from the curtain blinds me in my eyes making me fall off the bed the sheets barely softening my hard fall

The rooms empty yet a simple blue dress with a pair of heels lie folded on the chair next to the bathroom door with a note and flowers

We know your going to wake up late little sleeping Beauty but once you do wake up get yourself ready for the day in this outfit and come downstairs for a late breakfast or lunch happy birthday princess
Love daddies

I squeal I fucking forgot that it was my 18th birthday. I run into the bathroom throwing off my clothes and jump into the shower turning on the scolding hot water and use my normal strawberries and cream shower gel to wash

Once I get out I do my skincare and brush my teeth before wrapping myself in a fluffy towel and walking over to the bed to sit down, I use my strawberry mousse cream and rub it all over my body before grabbing a matching blue bra and panties set.

I slip the dress over my head loving the way it feels on my body it's a bit short and I should probably put something under but I couldn't care less anymore it's my birthday my choice

Sitting down in my vanity I brush out my hair before putting it in a slick half up half down and start on my makeup. I've never been that good at makeup but I use a range of blues to create a Smokey eye and place on fake lashes

I'm obsessed I feel so beautiful I never feel like this but it feels good. I take a quick picture on Snapchat and post it and the post it Instagram

Checking the time I see I've been in there longer than I expected as it's now 2:30 I place on my shoes and earrings and spritz some Dior perfume on before running downstairs before stopping. Why am I running it's my birthday I can be fashionably late if I feel to be late

I delicately run down the stairs seeing all my friends and family before screwing it and running into my friends mini circle they've done. They tumble over barely catching me but squeal when they see me all shouting happy birthday

There's Addie,Maddie, Jake,Leo and even Landon is sitting over here I feel arms pull me up and I turn around and see dada. "Stand up little girl I can see your panties in your short dress"

I kiss his cheeks lovingly jumping into him making him hold me "Happy birthday baby but go and change that's way to short"

"Thank you dada but no thank you I like this dress"

He puts me down fake growling at me while I run off towards daddy. He's in the kitchen with Ashy and the twins mommy and daddy lily and Toby. They hug me tightly "Happy Birthday sweetie"

"Thank you lily thank you Toby" i shyly say
Daddy looks at me throwing me in the air kissing me all over the place. "Happy birthday my little baby"

I cling onto him tightly "Thank you daddy it looks so nice in here"

"And you look so nice my little princess you are absolutely gorgeous" he says looking at me

I blush burying my face into his neck and hiding. He keeps me on his hip walking into the front room where everyone else is and dada gives me a plate of food I eat my breakfast happily joining in with conversations when needed to

"Paci daddy paci please" I whisper in his ear
"Are you feeling little baby girl"
I shake my head "just want daddy please"

He gives in passing me a royal blue one that clips onto my dress. Leo runs in standing on the table "presents guys we're doing presents"

He hands me a pile and I pick the biggest one first. I unwrap the blue wrapping paper to find a Victoria secret bag and i immediately knew Leo got it for me I look in the bag blushing before throwing it behind our sofa making the whole room laugh in question

I grab another one and it's smaller and much softer. I open it and see and stuffy but not just any old stuffy "It's lilo and stitch"'I scream

I hug it tight towards me not letting it go while I open the rest of my gifts. In the end i get a lilo and stitch paci and bottle set, some new skirts and onesies and more little clothes. I'm in love

"Thank you for my gifts evewyone" they all coo at me and I don't like it there gonna make me slip. I crawl over to dada hiding in his chest as everyone gets back to talking making me glad.
"You've gone a whole day without slipping babygirl your allowed to it's fine" he whispers

I nod my head sucking on my new paci, as i lay into him deeper. "Still wanna go out later baby"
I nod my head not looking at him, we're gonna go to the club later and it will be my first time technically being allowed and legal at one and I don't know wanna ruin it for everyone else

I jump off his lap running over to the girls who are playing with some toys in my corner. "Hey May how are you enjoying today"

"I weally wike everything I so so happy"

They hug me squealing as we play barbie with my new dream house. We start to play for a while before I get bored and throw my doll down running to daddy who's staring at me with a stern look. "We do not throw toys baby especially not at friends"

"Sowwy daddy I jus so bowed now, I have some drink" he stares at me contemplating before giving me his cup and I happily drink it in his arms. I don't know what it is but I like it a lot

Dada runs in the room excitedly "Guys it's time to hit the club now"

Dada runs in the room excitedly "Guys it's time to hit the club now"

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