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"You have to focus more Elodie, if you're going to take over the family bu-" This is when i drone out my fathers annoying ass voice, he's recently been training me to take over the great family business a business that's been with us for years and...

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"You have to focus more Elodie, if you're going to take over the family bu-" This is when i drone out my fathers annoying ass voice, he's recently been training me to take over the great family business a business that's been with us for years and many more to come hopefully

But I'm not interested, his business is boring it brings in money yes but all he does is own over company's over the world along with his own hotels. That's not something I want personally want to do with my life I had dreams I-

That's when I felt a sharp slap across the left side of my face, I'm still not used to it and I probably never will be but what can I say his moods are unpredictable "Was you listening child, this is important business now treat it as such"

"Yes father, sorry father" I straighten myself back out and follow him back through the hall. We're at the headquarters of Rose wood & co
The building and the people I've met so far are lovely and I wouldn't mind being the boss but I still don't want to be here

I see a black haired figure running towards me it's Phoenix he stops in front of me catching his breath sighing and mumbling about how he's to pretty to be running around like a dog off its leash

"I'm here to take you home my sweetie pie" I roll my eyes at his failed attempt at flirting, he wonders why he doesn't have a girlfriend

I grab onto his arm waving at some of my new favourite workers here. We walk out of the doors and into the busy streets of New York, I've become very accustomed to the busy streets and I'm not saying I like it but it's okay for now

Nix drags me into store after store, both of us finding clothes and accessories we love, perks of having rich parents you don't have to worry about price tags for once and it makes me feel free. I end up finding many cute work outfits for when I'm with my father, something about my clothes being to informal for me to be seen in but oh well what can I say

I look at the time on my phone. Oh yeah they got me a new phone although my father is able to see and monitor what i do on it for example who I message, which is why even if I knew my daddies or even any of my friends numbers i couldn't add them to tell them where I am

I have training later on with nix and a couple of his friends, we're doing archery, shooting and running. If I had my way I'd train by myself however I'm apparently a weak woman who needs watching and protecting at every second

The car pulls up and nix shoves the bags into the boot before pushing us both into the car. It's a nice silence, but Phoenix looks like he's going to blow. His legs are bouncing he's biting his nails and he looks like he's sweating.

"What's up nix you look terribly pale" I say turning towards him
"What nothing I'm fine. Me what about you y-you look terrible and ill mayb-"

I laugh at him practically pissing myself "Damn nix if was just a question it's okay"


I yawn waking up for my long nap before going into my closet and placing on a matching white short and top set and my define jacket all from my all time favourite store lululemon

I place my hair in a claw clip and my feet in some white new balance and run out the door to see the Nix and his friends in the kitchen. He still looks agitated but not as much as earlier

I hear a wolf whistle and turn to look at one of his friends, he had shaggy blonde hair and green eyes. "Wassup mama looking sexy as hell right now how about we ditch these dicks and head back up" I scoff rolling my eyes about to say something when nix steps up

"She's taken by two people actually so I'd back off Tyler" he places his hands up in surrender while Phoenix introduces me to all his friends

Tyler, Nathan, Jonathon and Nicholas.Tyler and Nicholas are twins and in my opinion Nicholas is my favourite and we just met. We all run out the back doors talking off in a sprint and end up doing laps round the whole estate. In the end I pass the boys with a great distance between us and run up to the top courts where we're doing gun training I don't know why we're doing gun training but we are

They finally reach me crumpling on the floor with groans "Fuck for someone with short legs you're awfully fast"

I flick my hair with a wink "I know, now why are we doing gun training"
The boys all freeze "Just for safety New York is a dangerous place"
I laugh mocking them before picking up a gun and glasses. I aim at the red target and fire 3 shots them all hitting the middle target. I drop the gun with a scream. "I am a fucking badass"

"What the actual fuck" Nathan screams "How did you just do that"

I wink "it's just practise boys" they look at me seriously before I laugh "it's a fucking joke lighten up"

We end up practicing for a while before we all end up getting tired so call it a day making our way into the house. With more practise I can shoot my way out of this place, I will get back home I swear on it

As we run in nix stops walking and turns to me
he opens his mouth and shouts "IM DATING NICHOLAS" before running back inside the house, we all freeze and turn to Nicholas who blushes a shade a of red

As we run in nix stops walking and turns to mehe opens his mouth and shouts "IM DATING NICHOLAS" before running back inside the house, we all freeze and turn to Nicholas who blushes a shade a of red

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