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I groan twisting and turning around in the bed

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I groan twisting and turning around in the bed. My legs freaking hurt soooo bad I think I'm dying. Am I dying?

I throw my legs out of the bed and step out onto the ground. The pressure of me standing sends a shooting tingle throughout my legs and I feel myself falling. I land on the ground with a thump. Owie

Tears leave my eyes and I start to cry
"D-Daddies I want my daddies"

The door opens and dada walks in "Oh princess what's wrong why are you on the floor"

I lift my arms up and he picks me up, I snuggle up into his neck "I wake up a-and my wegs huwt den den I fall on da fwoor"

"Why my wegs huwt d-dada" I cry louder

A smirk appears on his face and he chuckles
"Little baby don't you remember we had sex yesterday did we not go easy on you princess"

I pout shaking my head "Did I do good yesderday dada"

"More than good you were amazing baby, now let's change your diaper"

He lays me flat on the bed and undoes my diaper, he lifts up my legs and wipes me down before powdering me

"Diaper or panties baby" he asks sitting me up

"Urmmmm panties dada"

He looks at me sternly "If you wear panties do you promise to tell me or daddy when you need to potty" I nod my head at him smiling "Are you sure Rosie"

"Wes dada pwomise" he taps my bum telling me to go find some. Running into the closet I open the drawer I dig to the bottom and find my all time favourite. There dark blue lace panties with diamonds on the bands

I run out into the room and shake my butt at dada. He pulls me towards him gripping my butt "Your legs are still sore from yesterday don't test me little girl"

I blush nodding my head "Now go on and wake daddy up he's downstairs"

I pull out of his hold and skip out the door but before I go I hear dada shout to tell me to put on some pants but I'm already over here so oh well

I see daddy laid spread out on the couch I run over to the sofa and land on him that should've done something and it didn't he's still sound asleep making me whine and bounce on his chest

"Daddy wake up" I say in his ear making me groan when he doesn't get up

Daddy *kiss* wake *kiss* up *kiss* now *kiss*
I pepper kisses all around his face and he starts to wake up just as dada comes down the stairs and goes into the kitchen to get a drink

His eyes open and he groans, I excitedly wiggle on him happy that he's awake "Hi daddy mowning"

"Good morning babygirl" he says kissing all over my face like I did to him. Dada comes in and kisses him on the forehead "Morning love"
"Good morning Kenzie"

"How do you feel after yesterday baby"

I blush whining "well my wegs huwted dis mowning and I fell on da fwoor but I otay now"

"Your daddies worked you too hard hmm"
I pout nodding before cheering up "we do it again soon daddy

He smirks at me shaking his head in amusement "why don't we wait till you're less sore babygirl"

I pout " Otay daddy now cmon we gots to get up"

I pull him up when he stops walking and turns to dada "Babe where's the princesses bottoms"

Dada groans "She asked to wear panties instead of a diaper and then ran out before putting on pants"

Daddy laughs and I giggle "siwwy dada"

"Your such a little monster let's go get you ready for the day" I jump up into his arms as he carries me upstairs into our room

"I'm gonna run a bath for us while I do that u sit here okay?"

Shaking my head no I jump on his back wrap my arms round his neck and cling to him
"No bath daddy no no no"

He pulls on my arms groaning "if I bath you before bed will you go and let daddy get ready"

Giggling I nod my head and let go off him jumping back onto the bed. "I'm getting in the shower sit here and behave"

I get under the covers and turn on the tv going straight to Disney + and putting on the Simpsons I don't know why but I've been obsessed with it lately. I get through two and a half episodes when I hear the bathroom door open

"Daddy daddy daddy I was good girl"

He chuckles "Was you now"

I nod my head watching him get ready. He puts on a pair of grey joggers and a white tank top the opposite to what dada is wearing cause he's wearing a black tank top

"My turn my turn" he nods his head picking me up and bringing me into the closet. He picks out a white onesie with a crown that says little princess with a matching tutu

He lays me on the bed checking my panties to see if it's wet. He places the onesie and clips it at the bottom before putting on my tutu

He tickles my feet making me giggle as he puts on some white frilly socks. "Mawy janes daddy whewe my mawy janes daddy"

"Okay okay we'll find some Mary janes after we put some bows in your hair"

He puts me on his lap brushing my hair and braiding it down into two plaits with two bows at the end "All down let's go find your shoesies"

We walk down the stairs and I see dada in the kitchen preparing my baby bag with spare diapers wipes bottles pacis toys and snacks

"Daddies whewe we gowing" I ask

"We're going to a cafe in town babygirl" dada says coming over and putting on my shoes

"Don't you just look absolutely adorable Rosie"
"Thankies dada" I say blushing

"Babe have we got everything" daddy asks

Dada shrugs his shoulders " I don't know hun but we're gonna be late" dada picks me up taking me down to the car and buckles me into my car seat

They both get into the car and drive out of the driveway

They both get into the car and drive out of the driveway

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