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I rub my eyes trying to get all the sleep out, before stretching my arms out and yawning

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I rub my eyes trying to get all the sleep out, before stretching my arms out and yawning.
Opening my eyes I look at the walls to see there a bright lilac colour and I'm in a smooth white crib with a purple fleece blanket I feel so warm

I stand up in the crib trying to pull the bars down before just deciding to climb over the bars landing on the floor with a oof. I sit on the floor looking around the room my eyes light up at the piles of toys and I crawl on over

I take out a couple of barbie dolls and her doll house and play mommy and daddy's with Ken and barbie. I play for a little while longer before feeling bored and wonder where my daddies are

I sit on the floor just contemplating life and wondering where I am when I hear the door creak open and dada appear in the door

I light up in excitement and crawl into his arms
"Hi dada"

"Hi my little baby do you feel better" I nod my head snuggling into him

"Dada where awe we" well baby we're at daddies mommy and daddy's house so guess who's here it's Penny"

My eyes go wide and I realise she's never seen me like this what if she doesn't like me, making me panic and slip back to normal. "Dane what if she doesn't like me anymore. I need big girl clothes please"

His eyes widen when he hears me say his real name, before he composes himself "First of all baby my name is dada and not Dane and second of all Penny will love you more than you think"

"Really" I say excitedly and he nods his head picking me up and putting me on his hip. He grabs my Paci putting it in my mouth and walks down the stairs.

I see daddy but also Penny sitting rather closely to a really pretty girl. I see daddy look at me smiling before he winks making me giggle and kick my legs. We get downstairs and dada puts me in daddy's lap and I see penny's face light up, she gets up waking closer towards me and I hide in daddy's neck

Daddy pulls me out and I whine "Hey May, how are you I missed you so much"

"Hi Penny I missed you too and I've been okay what about you"

"I've been great camp was awesome and this is my girlfriend Leilani" The said girl walks up to me smiling and waves at me. I didn't know she was into that

"Wow I didn't know ou I mean you was lesbian" she snorts saying neither did she until she met the older girl Leilani

She looks up at my daddies with a confused look on her face. Daddy whispers in my ear telling me to stop being so tense and relax but I ignore him she still might think I'm weird

"Hey May your boyfriends told me about you I know you're a little and I know you would've wanted to tell me yourself but don't blame your daddies they were just looking out for you"

My eyes widen and I pout as I start to cry "Ou tink May-May weird Penny" Daddy tells dada to go get my bottle when May starts talking

"Of course I don't think you're weird May your still my big sister and nothing is changing that no matter if your a little or not okay?"

I nod my head as daddy wipes my face "Otay"

She hugs me tight and I relax into her when dada passes me my bottle making my eyes flutter in pleasure at the warm vanilla taste. Daddy bounces me on his knee as I drink making me feel more tired, I hear dada grumble "babe you're gonna make her fall back to sleep"

"You wanna go play with Penny baby"

I nod my head "I be big girl daddies"

"If you want to be baby" penny and Leilani stand up walking towards the door and I follow behind them into penny's room. It's a baby pink colour with posters around the wall

"It's really Pretty in here penny it's so you" She jumps in the bed relaxing beside Leila and I sit in front of her "So how long have you guys been together"

"Around 4 months so far since the start of camp basically" I squeal at her "that's so cute I'm really happy for you"

"So you and your boyfriends how long have you been together" I zone out thinking

"Well me and daddy have been dating for around 3 months and me and dada around a month so altogether 4 months" She hugs me tightly saying how happy she is for me and me for her

We end up talking for a while before they put on a movie and we watch it for a while until they fall asleep. I crawl out of bed looking for daddies and see them also snuggled up on the sofa asleep. But I'm so hungry

I skip into the large kitchen opening all the cupboards till I see a box of lucky charms. They're my favourites but daddies barely let me eat them because of all the sugar. I run around and look for a big bowl when I find a pink one. I take the milk out of the fridge first putting in a heap of lucky charms picking out extra marshmallows and then adding some milk

I sit on the island eating my lucky charms and humming to myself when I see two shadows standing by the door, they walk closer to the door and I see it's Beth and Cole. I squeal when they come closer, Cole chuckles at me "Hey little one"

I take another big spoonful as I wave at them "Hi guys whewe wewe ou"

"We were at grandpa Coles friends house for the day, but why are you still up and especially eating lucky charms"

I sheepishly smile "Penny an leila sweepin an so is dada an daddy but i is so so hungwy so I make wucky charms"

"Well baby it's 9:45 which is past your bedtime so why don't you finish up and then go and lay with your daddies" I nod my head watching them give me a kiss before going upstairs to bed. I finish up leaving my plate on the side before running over to my daddies

There laying on the big sofa with daddy laying on top of dada. I lift up dadas arm and place myself underneath him so I'm now sandwiched between the two. I snuggle in deeper when I feel dada wrap his arm tighter around us "Goodnight babygirl"

"Goodnight dada"

"Goodnight dada"

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