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So if you couldn't tell I haven't been to school for a while, number 1 is because of my new found lack of focus and number 2 my grades have been rapidly slipping and I can't handle getting back tests marked with anything lower than an A

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So if you couldn't tell I haven't been to school for a while, number 1 is because of my new found lack of focus and number 2 my grades have been rapidly slipping and I can't handle getting back tests marked with anything lower than an A. However my daddies want me to go back at the start of the next term but I don't want to go back so I'm hiding under a bed

"Baby where are you we just want to have a little talk with you nothing serious"

I don't understand why I have to go to school Leo is only one year older than me and he doesn't go to school, he does online school so why do I have to go

I see something crawl in the crack of the bed and immediately scramble out with a scream bumping right into my daddies. I climb onto daddy's back with a pout "still no school"

They sigh with a groan but leave it at that daddy plops me on the bed and him and dada sit around me just observing me making me fidget. "Is everything okay daddies why do you look like that"

They look at each other communicating with their eyes before before Dane gives Theo a shake of disapproval. "Nothing baby we just thought why don't we invite Leo over for a sleepover"

I squint my eyes at them before silently agreeing. They get off my bed going downstairs leaving me to gather my thoughts and get ready for the day.


Leo's been here for a while but not just him he invited his friend to stay over too. His names Jacob Daniel's and he's supposedly known Leo and been best friends with Leo for a while but I'm not buying it. He seems too skittish and is always nervous around him which is weird if he's known Leo for a while he should be comfy

It's around 8pm and we're all getting ready for bed when Jacob gets up with a groan. "Guys I'm so bored let's do something fun"

I instantly perk up at his words "Like what like what"

"Well your daddies are asleep so let's sneak out" I grimace at his words "I don't think that's a great idea Jake we could get in trouble"

He whines "come on guys it would make me happy"

I go to disagree when Leo's voice interrupts me "I like that idea let's go to a club there's one near here" They both squeal and run into my closet to change

I go to throw on the outfit I had on earlier when I hear a tut "Cmon babe we're going to a club let's not wear that"

Jake comes out of the closet with a short white dress and a pair of nude stiletto heels
"Let's wear this instead okay" He says chucking the outfit at me

"Jake this is the first time you've met my daddies you don't understand they'll go absolutely bat shit crazy if I leave the house looking like that without them"

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