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It's been 2 weeks, 2 fucking weeks since May had been taken and in these two weeks we've made no progress whatsoever, Everyone's more isolated now

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It's been 2 weeks, 2 fucking weeks since May had been taken and in these two weeks we've made no progress whatsoever, Everyone's more isolated now. Me and Dane barely talk anymore unless it's about Ash or trying to figure out how to rescue and find her

Danes uncle had an Apb out on Phoenix as he was the last person to be seen with her however there's been no sighting of him at borders or even airlines so we've been entirely screwed

My mum dad and Penny came to visit earlier they had been on a camping trip, with no wifi so didn't receive our messages till they got back and have been coming over non stop. At first my mum and dad were disappointed in me they didn't say it but I knew they were and now there still upset but they've been here for me

Penny however she hates me after she found out it was my fault she still dislikes Dane but not as much as she hates me which obviously hurts as we used to be really close but I just keep messing up with her and there's no going back

"Hey dinners ready come downstairs Theo you haven't eaten in days an-"
"Fuck fine Ash I'm coming chill out" I shout at her throwing a pillow

I grab my phone and walk downstairs into an uncomfortable silence, Danes sat down with a glass of alcohol in hand which might I add is all he's been drinking since she's been missing
Ash and Leo are sat together her feeding him a bottle and the same with Landon and Jake, which I hate because May being missing has brought them closer together

I sit next to Theo and start slowly picking at my food when I catch him staring at me from the corner of my eye a few times before a slam is heard and a loud cough, which strangely comes from Jake no ones heard him talk in well a while

"I've had enough of the awkwardness between you two it's terrible and you both know May wouldn't want this either your both being childish and acting like well us now fix up or get out"

Dane looks at him with a smirk clapping "It's good to hear from you aswell and you can't tell me to get out of my own house you fool"

"W-well I just did so take that" he says blowing a raspberry at Dane before laughing making him laugh as well

"Your right pipsqueak, I'm sorry I guess for how I've been acting Theo I'm just upset and angry and I'm sorry" he hugs me tightly kissing my forehead all over whispering sorry

I can tell he's partly drunk his eyes are dilated and bloodshot and his speech is slightly slurred not a lot but I could still tell. I tell everyone we're going upstairs and drag him up behind me.

We reach our room where he takes of his shirt leaving his joggers on and flops onto the bed with a groan. "Hold me baby please" he looks up at me with tears in his eyes

I immediately take off my joggers and top and get into the bed pulling him up next to me and laying him onto my chest "It's okay baby we'll find her I know we will, if not today tomorrow and if not then the next we won't stop looking even if it take us years" I kiss his tears as his eyes close and he falls asleep

With me following not too long afterwards


An annoying buzzing piercing noise enters my ears, and I realise it's Danes phone, I slap him on his chest winding him but it makes him get up faster grabbing his phone "Hello who is this" he answers his voice groggy

"Uncle! What really where Fuck I'm up I'm up let me know when you get there"

"What happened babe" I ask copying his quick actions and throw on some clothes

"my uncle fuck he thinks he knows where May is, they found a safe house on the edge of town belonging to a Michael Rose which is said to be her parents parents and that's where they were last seen"

I follow him as he runs downstairs summoning everyone from their rooms. Everyone walks out of there rooms rubbing sleep out of their eyes. While Dane runs around the house from the living room to the kitchen as he makes coffee

"Why are you so fucking energetic Dane it's 8 in the morning" Landon shouts covering his eyes from the light with a groan

"I got news from my uncle and they have news at where Mays parents are holding her, she's in a safe house on the outside of town and there breaching now"

"WHAT. Thats fucking amazing" Ash shouts jumping around

Danes phone rings and he springs to get it when I see his face start to fall he leaves the room throwing things he sees in his pathway to the ground

"Tha not good news mommy" Leo says in a small voice
"I know baby it didn't sound like it either" Ash says sympathy all over her face

Dane walks back into the room falling into my arms as he cry's shaking his head "S-she's gone, they knew we were coming the h-house was e-empty and t-they have no leads we might not get her back baby"

I try to hold my tears in but they come spewing out anyway. We might never get our little girl back and it's all my fucking fault and I'm never going to forgive myself

 We might never get our little girl back and it's all my fucking fault and I'm never going to forgive myself

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