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I'm so bored like I've never been more bored in my life bored

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I'm so bored like I've never been more bored in my life bored. No one is even here too entertain me, all my friends have gone and both of my daddies have gone out somewhere as well but didn't want to take me with them. It's strange if you ask me cause I know there probably out fucking some new little they've found out. Harsh I know but they've been acting weird towards me and what they don't realise is that it hurts

I get an idea from my Pinterest and see the most delicious looking red velvet cupcakes ever and maybe if I bake them I can get my daddies to stay with me forever and give me loads of attention and love and not someone else

I skip into the kitchen gathering all the needed essentials. Eggs, flour, milk, sugar. Now I've been told I'm quite the baker but I'm not quite sure anymore considering it was Penny and she would do anything to please me

Grabbing out a big bowl and the kitchen- Aid I place three eggs, caster sugar, unsalted butter, self raising flour, vanilla extract and sprinkles and place them gradually into the mixture i know this isn't how there meant to be made but oh well they'll still taste good. Probably

Grabbing out a cupcake tin and red cases i pour a even amount of batter into each, being able to fill up two trays and put them in the oven for 25 minutes. Groaning when I look at the giant mess of eggshells flour and batter all over the counter and floor. I get distracted cleaning when I hear the oven timer go off and take the cupcakes out

They look so pretty and fluffy and the sprinkles show so much considering I didn't put in that many. I wait for them to cool before putting on the vanilla frosting with tiny little hearts on the top to show all my love for my daddies

"What the fuck is all of this mess" I squeal and turn around running into my daddies arms

"I made you guys cupcakes come see, come see you'll love them" I say shrugging of there harsh voices

"Oh we can see the fucking mess alright covering the bloody floors and counter kinda hard to miss"  daddy says sarcastically

His statement makes me pout and whimper my eyebrows furrow in confusion and annoyance. I was trying to tidy up "why are y-you so angry with me daddy I-I made them for you and I w-was gonna clean up pwomise"

"That doesn't fucking matter Mayah, what matters is you could've slipped while cooking you could've burnt yourself or worse burnt the fucking house down"

"I'm uh-sorry I was just bored you didn't bring me with y-you and I has nothing t-to do" I say my tears threatening to fall

I can see daddy getting angrier making dada interrupt him "We didn't take you with us cause it didn't concern you Jay why does it matter so much"

And that's when the waterfall starts. Why does it matter so much? Maybe cause really it hurts
knowing you weren't good enough for the ones that actually loved you

"I-I'm so sorry that I'm s-such a bother for you both and I'm so sorry you had to care for me when you didn't want to, to the point where you had to find another little I mean it was pretty obvious  but I was too in love to notice"

I pick up the cupcakes throwing one at them before running up the stairs with tears running down my face. I go into the guest bedroom and lock the door with a slam sliding down onto the floor

It's at times like this that I wish I had a mom and a dad to hold me in there arms and say it's all going to be okay, but I don't and the only people I have are downstairs throwing a fit because I baked them Cupcakes. Fucking cupcakes

I'm so sorry that I wasn't enough


I've been in this room for a while or so it feels I'm not exactly sure cause there's no clock in here but I know it's been a couple days cause I've seen it be day and night a couple times

My daddies have tried to enter the room, checking on me throughout the days to make sure I'm not dead, but if I'm honest I was dead long before. I haven't eaten or drank anything
and you can tell from where my stomach has become flatter and my cheeks have dropped in

They leave food outside the door everyday at breakfast, lunch and dinner even snacks but I just don't have the strength to open the door let alone actually consume the food

The door knocks making me flinch but instead of hearing my daddies I hear ash I scoot across the floor opening the door, fresh tears in my eyes

"A-ashy is it weally o-ou"

She picks me up "yes baby it's really me, what's the matter"

"Daddy and dada no want May-May anymore, they weave me for nother wittle so so I-I make dem cake and dey no wike and shout at me"

"You poor baby I'm so sorry, that was pretty mean wasn't it, I don't think they were out with someone else but if they were I'll kill them"

I giggle at her nodding, she places a diaper on me with a onesie making me pout. I haven't worn a diaper in ages cause I'm a big girl and now I have to put it back on. She lifts me up before walking us downstairs.

But what we see is not what I expected and definitely not ash as she rushes down the stairs with a hiss putting me down on the sofa while storming over to them with a growl

"Now who the actual fuck is she and why is she here, when your girl was crying upstairs"

"Now who the actual fuck is she and why is she here, when your girl was crying upstairs"

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