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A/N: This chapter contains a** play if your not into that I suggest you don't read this chapter x thank you

I have Jay on my lap and we're watching a scene much to my dismay as I would rather be in one of the back rooms drilling my currently hard dick into Jay's sweet pussy however kenzie wanted to make her squirm beforehand hence the scene

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I have Jay on my lap and we're watching a scene much to my dismay as I would rather be in one of the back rooms drilling my currently hard dick into Jay's sweet pussy however kenzie wanted to make her squirm beforehand hence the scene

She squirms onto my lap moving around and places herself right onto my dick. Her crotch less panties situating her core right on my dick
making her moan and grind into me. Kenzie reaches over pulling her top down and freeing her tits making her eyes go wide and shake her head.

Dane crouches down in front of her shushing her "Everyone's watching the scene baby there not focused on us"

He takes her nipple in his mouth sucking and biting on it and playing with the other in his hand. She rocks faster on my dick as he switches between her nipples before sucking on her neck leaving bruises. He places his fingers on her clit making her look down at him when I pull her head up focusing it on the scene

"No baby watch the scene, watch as her master drills into her wet pussy imagine it's you little love"

Dane smirks at me sucking his fingers "That clearly made the little fucking slut wet she's practically dripping onto my fingers"

He leans down sucking on her thighs licking a line up her pussy making a slurping sound and winking at her, usually she would be utterly embarrassed by that but she's too far gone to care. He continues biting and sucking her clit all while using his other hand to finger her as she tenses on my lap.

"I'm gonna cum. Oh please let me cum daddies I need to so badly"

I whisper in her ear caressing her still hand nipples "Cum baby cum in your dadas mouth"

And she does with a loud groan if there wasn't a scene on she would definitely be the loudest here. "How was that my little baby doll" kenz asks her

She leans back fixing her top with a smile and a small smirk "It was good but next time I want both your dicks inside my pussy

I grown into her ear "Don't say that shit to me or you won't be able to walk"

She whimpers still rubbing her core into my clothed cock. "Stop being such a needy slut and wait for Kenzie to talk to his friends"

Her eyes gloss over as tears fall from her eyes at the humiliation. Kenzie's friends come over with a smirk, they're quite known around this club along with kenzie.

"It's been a while Dane, how you been man" rolls his eyes
"Fine Lucas how are, how are the kids"

"I watch the kids more than this fool I call a husband you should've asked me"

"Ahh Steph what a pleasure to speak too as always" he snickers

I feel Jay rock onto me harder almost reaching her high when I pull her off placing her onto my knees "I told you to wait now stop being so selfish and let your dada talk to his friends"

"B-but daddy I need it so bad please I want your c-cock"

"What you need is a good spanking" I say passing her to dane who holds her on his hip
His friends coo at her smiling "who is this little cutie"

"Her names mayah and she's currently being a needy little slut for her daddies cocks. Isn't that right baby" He replies with a smirk

She nods her head sniffling "Yes dada I am"

"well then you know where the rooms are don't keep your little lady waiting" lucas smirks
Patting him on the back before walking off

Dane winks at me before walking off towards the rooms in the back. Opening a door he walks in pinning her onto the bed caging her with his arms. "I'm so sorry baby we haven't touched you have we"

She pouts shaking her head. Dane forces her legs apart pushing himself between her playing with her wet pussy "I was gonna use foreplay but you don't even need it from the way you're soaking the fucking bed sheets"

He looks at me already knowing the answer but asks anyway "Ass or pussy"

I shake my head with a chuckle "Obviously her fucking virgin ass, it hasn't been used yet"

I turn her over pushing her back down making her arch deeper. I rub my finger around her hole feeling her tense "Loosen up baby how am I supposed to fit if your this tight"

I rub her back in soothing circles and feel her slowly unclench. I pour a hefty amount of lube around her whole and ease my finger into her moving quickly to ease her up

She moans pushing into me "More daddy please more"

My wish is her command and i ease two more fingers into her pumping into her faster as she moans louder pushing back into me matching my thrusts. "Are you ready for my dick baby"

I take of my trousers and my boxers and let my hard dick hit into my stomach. I flip us over and hover her over my dick, I slowly push into her whole moaning at the tightness "Fuck baby I've never been with someone so god damn tight"

She whimpers throwing her head as I finish filling her whole stilling into her. Dane walks over with a smirk on her face "Ready baby cause I'm not going easy on your needy little pussy"

She nods her head as he thrusts into her making her let out a piercing scream, he smirks "Do you remember your safe word"

She nods tears leaving her eyes "Pineapple daddies now please move pretty please"

As I move up into her Dane moves out of her and we continue like this in the same pattern she places her hands onto my chest and moves up and down meeting our thrusts. Dane moves harder into her grunting with every movement as he massages and pinches onto her clit

She whines letting out incoherent murmurs and whimpers her mouth opening and closing
"P-please I-I can't take it d-daddies I'm g-gonna"

"Such a stupid slut letting her daddies fuck her silly to the point where she can't even talk, do you like that baby being our fuck toy?" Dane murmurs into her body leaving hickeys up her  between her thighs and around her tits

I move up using my arms and use my hands to caress her tits while leaving bite marks and hickeys around her neck and in her back. I feel her tense around around me "I'm gonna c-cum"

"Cum baby cum around your daddies and milk our cocks" she cums with a scream placing her hands on my chest and slumping back as me and Dane cum with a groan stilling into her

"Cum baby cum around your daddies and milk our cocks" she cums with a scream placing her hands on my chest and slumping back as me and Dane cum with a groan stilling into her

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