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I wake up suddenly, not because of any noise or interruption, yet because my dream had come to its conclusion

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I wake up suddenly, not because of any noise or interruption, yet because my dream had come to its conclusion. The night movie had ended, credits had rolled. Now it was time to engage in the real world once more and let the stresses of a 17 year old big sister slash mum begin.

I get up out of bed throwing the covers off me and stepping into my slippers, walking to the bathroom I do my business, wash my hands and begin to brush my teeth with my blue princess toothbrush

I turn behind me adjusting the buttons to my shower making sure it's the correct temperature of not to hold but not too cold before jumping in.
Grabbing my loofah I squirt the right amount of my favourite raspberry and cream body wash and begin to thoroughly wash my body. I hop out the shower around five minutes later and walk into my closet, it's an average day today not to hot not to cold so I place on a pink sweater and a small patterned skirt with my light pink converse

I skip down the stairs walking into the kitchen to prepare pennies peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Placing it on a princess plate i walk upstairs to her bedroom putting it on her desk next to her, she's currently plaiting her hair into two French plaits while I place two white ribbons at the bottom. She's wearing white overalls with a light blue top underneath and matching blue converse

Walking into my bathroom I grab my curlers and curl my hair while placing a matching white ribbon to pennies and tying it into a bow. I grab my baby blue backpack calling Penelope down the stairs to leave

Grabbing my car keys I turn off all the lights letting Penelope walk in front of me to my car. "I call shotgun" she squeals
I chuckle "Your the only one with me you little squirt, of course you can have shotgun"
She sits next to me and I drive out the driveway turning the radio on watching Pennie bounce along to the Disney songs

We arrived at her school around 10 minutes later giving me enough time to grab a Iced white chocolate Mocha from Starbucks park my car and make in to the cafeteria before my first study period, where I'm gonna head to the library to find a new book to read as I've completed all my assignments due for this week and the following week

I start to hear a loud chatter of people entering the cafeteria recognising them as Theo's football friends, they start walking towards me to which I get up grabbing my drink as socialising with them without Theo makes them look more intimidating than they actually are. "Ayo May wassup where you going" one calls I internally cringe at the mention of my name and turn around with a forced smile

"Hey Brandon, you know me just going to study" I reply with a slight chuckle trying to hurry up the conversation so I don't end up running into Theo while I'm over here. He starts talking to his friends again , leaving me awkwardly standing there wondering whether to stay or leave. He looks over my head smirking before shouting"hey reign over here, you good man?" I freeze slightly turning my head over my shoulder, hoping and praying that he didn't just call my reign over here

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