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"Shut up and stop bothering me Phoenix" I growl at him slapping his hand away from my face

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"Shut up and stop bothering me Phoenix" I growl at him slapping his hand away from my face. It's been a couple days couldn't tell you how many but it's been too long so I've just accepted my inevitable fate that I'm never ever getting out of. Apparently my daddies have gotten close to finding where we are once hence us moving for the second time and we are now in New York a place I've always wanted to go just didn't these circumstances

I'm sitting in my new room isolating myself from everyone except Nix who can't stay away from me and leave me alone. Over the couple of days I've come to know him and he's an okay person if we take out the time he assaulted me

And he sticks up for me when my dad hits me. I know he's been hitting me, he was nice to me at the start until I realised he was just a hot head father trying to act nice so i could do his dirty work and obviously when I declined he would beat me, and as for my mum she's been nice if you count out the times she's stood there and watched me being beaten other than that I'm doing pretty good

They still allow me to do education that was my mothers choice, however it's been under a different name. I picked Elodie Garcia because there was no way I was letting my mother pick my name she would do something ridiculously posh like fucking tarquin or Octavia and that's a big no

"Elodie Phoenix downstairs please" I hear my mother's piercing voice call from downstairs
"Coming mother" I reply equally as high

I drag nix off of the bed and down the stairs to the kitchen where my mother and father are sitting. "Your face is on the news we can't leave this place of people know who you are, your getting your hair cut coloured okay?"

"So why have I been summoned Linda" Nix asks annoyed
"Your going to be her bodyguard obviously what else would you be doing" my mum says equally annoyed

She hands me a black card and my coat and ushers us out into a car with a driver named Mathew. He drives us out into the large town and it's so pretty, especially now that the sun is setting the whole city is set alight and bright

We finally arrive at a boutique called beau's beauty. Phoenix helps me get out of the car and leads me into the place with my head down and places a mask on both of our faces. The bell sounds our entrance and a skinny lady runs to us.

"Hello do you have a booking for today" she asks and I can tells she's not from here from her slight French accent

"Yes it's under the last name Hughes" she takes  us over to a couple of chairs and calls us a new hairdresser over for Phoenix making me laugh at his panicked and scared face as they push him into a seat

"Woah woah woah what are you doing, this is for her not me I'm fine"
"Nonsense child sit sit mrs Hughes payed us a lot for one it's the least I can do" she says her French accent sticking out a lot

I go to tell her what I want when she tells me she has strict orders already on what to do, I try to ask her what it is but she swats me on the head with foils and tells me to be quiet. I scoff looking to the side where I see Phoenix with his legs up and foils already in his hair. A proper little drama queen, I grab my phone taking a picture of him


"And we are finally done, take a lot" She says taking off my blindfold she insisted I wear. I squint adjusting my eyes to the light when I see my hair. Who the fuck am I

My hairs a bright red colour with a layered blowout and curtain bangs, Im unrecognisable the thought makes me frown, if I ever stumbled upon my daddies would they even know who I was. I mean I guess it's for the best who knows what my father would do if he got his hands on them

I hear a wolf whistle next to me and I turn to see Phoenix, his hairs a black colour with many layers when he sees me staring he winks at me
"Like what you see Elodie" I groan at him
"Piss off nix" I jump out of the chair stretching my bones before thanking Judith for her work

We walk out and get into the car the silence filling the air. "Hey do you think I could get a phone"
He laughs at me like actually laughs "El if I could I would give you a phone your mother would as well but your father hell no but it's worth a try" I sigh into my hands letting the silence take over us

I miss home, I miss my daddies and the boys and all the girls especially Ash she was always with me when I needed her and I didn't even get to tell her bye I didn't tell anyone goodbye

Tears leave my eyes as I stare into the distance I fucking miss my home a lot. A sob leaves my mouth making Phoenix stare at me.

"What's wrong Elodie, why are you crying your parents will kill me"
"I miss home Phoenix, I miss my sister and my boyfriends and just home" I cry into his arms

"Please wipe your tears El we've arrived hime and your parents will ask why you're crying especially your father"I nod at him wiping my tears before leaving the car and heading into the house

I try to walk up the stairs before I'm stopped by my mum. "Darling you look wonderful just wonderful baby"

I turn to look at her "Thank y-you mum i-it um means a lot"

She frowns at me "what's wrong baby were you crying your eyes are absolutely bloodshot"

"No mum there's probably just something in my eyes" I say forcing out a laugh when I hear loud footsteps
"No child you were crying what's the matter with you, any other child would be appreciative and your being spoiled" he says his accent coming out

"I am appreciative father I truly a-am I j-just miss home you know" I say stepping back away from him
He walks closer towards me like a predator would it's prey. He raises his hand high before slapping me hard on my cheek, his many rings cutting into my skin

"This is your fucking home child and I'll be damned if you ever and I mean ever disrespect me in it do you understand"
"Y-yes sir understood" I say holding my face
He lifts me back up kissing my forehead with a worried expression "I'm sorry baby it pains me to punish me but you need to know your place"

"This is your fucking home child and I'll be damned if you ever and I mean ever disrespect me in it do you understand""Y-yes sir understood" I say holding my face He lifts me back up kissing my forehead with a worried expression "I'm sorry baby it...

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