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I twist and turn in the bed trying to desperately get back to sleep as my recent sleep schedule has rapidly been plummeting , However whoever's been narrating my story clearly doesn't care about my well-being I mean who would (hint the sarcasm) be...

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I twist and turn in the bed trying to desperately get back to sleep as my recent sleep schedule has rapidly been plummeting , However whoever's been narrating my story clearly doesn't care about my well-being I mean who would (hint the sarcasm) because I'm suddenly forced awake almost like a puppet being plucked off a shelf to start a new show

I get out of the bed, slowly walking down the stairs rubbing sleep out of my eyes at the same time, I turn the corner heading to the kitchen to get a glass of water as my throat is abnormally dry, something that happens rather often

I notice a shadowed figure lurking in the dark, i start to slowly walk backwards making sure I'm on high alert before the figure turns around revealing a shirtless Theo who I somehow forgot was here

"And what are you doing up at 3am" he says his voice still groggy a sign that he hasn't been up much longer than me

My eyes widen at the time and I internally curse at the fact my sleep schedule is definitely ruined and there's no way I'm getting back to sleep after this

"I just came to grab a glass of water" I say walking around the counter to the fridge. I feel the gaze of eyes burning into the back of my head, so I turn around to be faced with a smirking Theo staring up and down at the skimpy pyjamas I chose to put on the night before

"Take a picture, it'll last longer silly billy"
He smirks suddenly walking closer to me, but with every step he takes forward is a step I take backwards until my body hits the counter behind me and he cages me in with his large hands

He forcefully grabs my chin with his hand making me look up into his eyes "I don't need a picture you wear less and less in my dreams every night" he winks

I clench my thighs together, wondering why such a dirty thing made me feel so electrified and wet down there. He looks down noticing my change in movements and places his knee in between my thighs slightly rubbing against the place I need most

I tilt my head back letting a soft moan escape my lips. Realising what I've done I slowly tilt my head back up a wash of pink appearing on the apples of my cheeks, I look at his face to see his once blue eyes were now a deep pool of black swirling with hunger and lust. He grabs my neck our bodies pressing heatedly against the wall, breathing heavily as his lips pressed down to mine.His lips move fast against my lips as I try to mimic his movements, he presses his tongue against my lips trying to gain entry to which i refuse.

He bites my lip earning a moan, taking the opportunity he slips his tongue inside my mouth, our tongue's battling for control to which he obviously wins due to my lack of knowledge in this so called topic...

He places his hands on my waist caressing and gripping, and I know there going to leave bruises but somehow I don't feel mad about it but rather sending a whole zoo of butterflies straight to my heated core

He loosens his hold on my neck and steps back letting me catch my breathe

I look up to his face to see him smirking at me with slightly puffy and pink lips making him look absolutely frickable

My eyes widen at the dirty thoughts my mind had conjured up after just one kiss

I clench my thighs close together trying to ease the ache that he's caused with all the small touches and kissing feeling slightly annoyed that I know he won't help me with it

"Hi" I say trying to avoid eye contact embarrassment kicking in that I just let him take my first kiss without any second thoughts

He rubs my arms up and down causing goosebumps to appear on my skin, from his feather like touches and cold hands a contradiction to our previous encounter "You okay beautiful"

I nod to tired to answer and reach my arms up to him a silent plea telling him to pick me up to which he responds to instantly

Looking at the clock on the I notice the time was now 4am and we had been making out for a whole hour

Holy snickerdoodles that's longer than I thought

My cheeks instantly turn red so I burry my face in his neck trying to escape this loop of embarrassment, but before I can get comfier he lifts up my chin smirking "eyes little one "

I whine in embarrassment hiding my face with my hands. He tuts shaking his head "I won't punish you today as we haven't gone over rules, but you have a long day ahead of you tomorrow so get some rest"

He places me in the bed and gets up but before I have the chance to fuss or whine he gets in on the other side of me

I wrap my legs around his waist climbing on his chest to get warm

I place my thumb in my mouth ready to drift off before it's removed and replaced with a larger and much warmer one, I don't know why but this is so much better than having my own in my mouth

He tightly wraps his arms around me in a way of almost securing myself to him so I wouldn't disappear which personally I think is very silly of da-Theo because I would never leave him but you know whatever frosts his cookie's

I relax into his embrace and start to drift off listening to the soothing sounds of the wind and Theo's last words of "Goodnight princess, daddy's here"

My eyes widen Does he know what I am and did he just call himself daddy?...

My eyes widen Does he know what I am and did he just call himself daddy?

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