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So after yesterday everyone stayed over the house is big enough to host everyone here but the question was if we really wanted everyone here and the truth is we didn't, and if ash didn't get the girls drunk this wouldn't of happened but it was bou...

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So after yesterday everyone stayed over the house is big enough to host everyone here but the question was if we really wanted everyone here and the truth is we didn't, and if ash didn't get the girls drunk this wouldn't of happened but it was bound to off happened it's Ash

The whole house is awake and it's louder than ever, the three girls Leo and Jacob are playing in Rosie's toy corner while everyone else is in the kitchen making lunch or really me Theo, Lily, Toby and Ash are cooking while Landon dawdles at Jacob, pretty sure he likes him

I walk up to him slapping his back making him scowl at me and try to hit me back when Theo calls "Don't touch my boyfriend Landon"

I laugh at him sticking my tongue out "Baby put your tongue back in your mouth before I put it to good use"

Making Landon laugh at me and I scowl. "Anyway I can see you staring at Jacob from miles away mate and I think you like him"

He blushes red "Is it that obvious, I mean seeing you guys with a little makes me want one and I think he would be perfect look at him"

I genuinely smile at him nudging him "Go and ask him Landon he'll love you"

He scowls at me likes it the worst thing I could ever ask him "Haha very funny are you stupid what if he says no it'll ruin everything"

I cock my head at him with sympathy walking of towards the kids "Hey kenzie what are you going to do. Do not walk away from me what are yo-

I cut him off annoyed at his yapping "hey kids you all okay" Rosie squeaks

"Dada we aw good we pwaying dollies" I coo at her picking her up on my lap my little baby is back I've missed this so badly

"I've missed my little baby" her eyes light up
"I missed my daddies too"

Everyone else walks in Lily and Toby in the front. "Babies we have to go home now but we'll come back another day"

They both whine but reluctantly get up with a pout hugging everyone "Bye bye thank you for having us"

They leave out the door and now it's just the original group. Rosie is in between me and Theo, Leo is in Ash's lap and Jacob is sitting next to a blushing Landon. I look at him with a wink making him blush even harder

I feel a tap on my leg and see Rosie looking up at me with a pout. "What's wrong babygirl"

"I want it dada" She says
"Want what baby, what is it" I say confused

"Dada's cock pease, I really wan it" She says with lust in her eyes

Theo looks at me with a shake of a head telling me no because there are to many people in here but how can I tell her that with the way she's looking at me.

"Fine baby but be quiet okay your friends are here" she smirks at me fluttering her lashes

She slowly pulls down my pants and boxers enough for my dick to flip out making her giggle at me. She uses her small hand in an up and down motion making me groan it's been too long since this has happened

She licks up my length grazing me with her teeth as she plays with my balls, she's never fucking done that but it feels too good. She covers my tip with her warm mouth before taking me whole using her hand to cover what she can't fit. She looks up at me with those eyes she knows I love making me groan. Fucking tease

I grip onto her hair with such force making her groan into my cock. I thrust into her mouth faster making her gag and splutter around me
The sofa moves underneath squeaking making everyone turn there heads. "You guys are really fucking right now"

"No we're not fucking, shes giving me head. Did I say stop moving baby, no so carry on"

She continues to go faster as I fuck her mouth harder, I feel my cock start to tense up and before I know it I cum in her mouth with a groan. "Fuck baby that was so good"

"That was so fucking hot" Jacob blurts out with a whimper. "Let's have a orgy guys it would be so fun" Leo shouts out with a giggle

Both Jacob and May place there hands up. "I'm in i wanna fuck Ashy"

Theo's eyes widen "Mayah Jayliana rose, first of all language and second of all if you wanna fuck others don't be with us"

She pouts moving onto his lap "Daddy I'm sorry you know I love you, but I thought we were playing truths don't you want me to be happy daddy" she purrs into his ear moving on his crotch

"Your such a fucking vixen, yes whatever go and fuck ash. But make this clear the only person you will be fucking is those in this group, do I make that clear"

"Yes daddy"

"Yes daddy"

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