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3 Years later:

"Can you fucking move your ass Dane we have places to be" I groan for the thousandth time he's worse than a girl getting ready

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"Can you fucking move your ass Dane we have places to be" I groan for the thousandth time he's worse than a girl getting ready. He runs downstairs looking exactly the same as he did when he first went upstairs. I ignore his kiss and head into the car with him running after me like a lovesick puppy

He starts the car and we drive out of the driveway to my mums house. We're going to celebrate Mayahs birthday we've celebrated every year since she's been gone. It's really a pain to not celebrate with her or even know where she is but we've been coping... I think

We arrive at my parents house and walk into the house to be greeted with Penny. She's grown so much for only being 15 now I think it's just her way of coping though and luckily she's still dating her girlfriend who's been helping her allot

Everyone's already here and it almost reminds me of the old days when we all used to meet up on random days just to be around each other

We end up hugging everyone and just sit around talking about all the good times we've had with mayah, it amazes me how much everyone loves her and is willing to drop everything just to celebrate her birthday. It suddenly gets quiet and we all just sit around watching tv this May be one of the last times we do this as me and Dane are moving to New York for his uncle's business which we've decided to take over early.

It's a great new start for us and we're excited except we haven't told anyone yet and we plan on it today we just don't know how everyone is going to take it

Dane clears his throat giving me the side eye before turning to everyone. I guess we're doing this now. "Erm we just erm wanted to tell you guys that we have news big news huge news in fact and we really want to do this we were always going to do this but erm-"

I hear a groan and see dane looking at me tiredly shaking his head "What Theo was trying to say is that we're moving to New York to take over my uncles business"

The room goes silent no one moves and no one talks, I almost start to feel bad as what we're doing sets in however his uncle has helped us a lot and we've always wanted to go to New York with May so we're taking our chances with it

The room goes silent no one moves and no one talks, I almost start to feel bad as what we're doing sets in however his uncle has helped us a lot and we've always wanted to go to New York with May so we're taking our chances with it

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I groan as I walk up the steps into my building fixing my pencil skirt, before plastering a smile onto my face and walking in. I greet all my new and old workers with a wave and walk into the lift with my crew behind me consisting of Nix, Tyler, Nathan, Nicholas and Jonathon who all now work for me. Your now all probably asking and wondering where's my lovely father, well long story short he's dead. Gone part of hell

I had, had enough of suffering abuse at the hands of a pathetic weasel like him and knew I was better than that. He emotionally and physically scarred me and I could do it no longer

It was his usual day of coming home from work and I was to fetch him his daily glass of scotch, I did waited for him to ask for two more refills like he usually does and when he decided to walk up to me to punish me for something I never did I murdered him in cold blood. Two shots two the heart he didn't stand a chance

I staged a break in broken windows and all wiped security cameras from that day had a stone cold alibi when I was questioned by police I guess you could say I had practise

When his funeral came around I attended like the doting daughter I was comforted my crying mother and even shed a few crocodile tears myself and on that very same day I inherited his businesses his houses and the money that came with it. I guess you could say that I was on top of the world

Now that was 2 years ago and since then I've rebuilt his so called empire and made it ten times better, my mum is so much better and treats me so well almost making up for the fact she was gone my whole fucking life

The only people that know about what I had done was the boys I told them immediately, they all backed up my alibi and we've been close every since hence why there at the top of my business, there loyal, trustworthy and great to have on my arms as I roam the streets of New York

Now you're probably going to ask why haven't you gone back, I've had the chance my mother even asked to bring me back. However it's fear fear that everyone back home has moved on without me, I mean they don't even know if I'm alive so I would understand but I don't want to go back to see it. I know I killed my own father but can't go back home to see if her family has moved on. I'm a pussy I know, I've been told

Anyway rant over as I hear up to my office I give a smile to my secretary and practically my girl best friend Aliyah and tell her to email me over my work schedule for the day, making sure not to miss her blush as Jonathan walks by. I don't like to have my employees doing extra work if they don't need to be its pointless and selfish

The boys all pile in after me with a groan laying down onto the nearest flat surface they could find. Such drama queens I tell you

"We've been walking all day Elodie I'm so tired baby" Las whines making me smirk
"Your lucky you're my favourite or I wouldn't let you complain like that to me" I wink

"Stop with the fucking flirting both of you, I'm your boyfriend Nicky not her oh my gosh" Nix whines with a huff and a pout such a man baby I tell you

-The End-

Of book 1😭😉
I wanna say thank you to everyone who has read my book or commented even followed it means a lot. This book started of as a joke and it's now on 17k reads and 400 votes it's actually crazy!

I am coming out with a second book, yes its going to be a series it's called Everlasting Pain and I am so excited for it at first I wasn't sure about making a whole new book but I didn't want this one to be too long and people get bored (I actually despise slow burn books) so I made another one. I'm not sure when it's coming out but it is in the making and definitely is coming out so follow me to find out more as I'll post snippets on announcements so watch out for that!!

Just another thank you it means so much and I'm so glad you all enjoyed my book. It would really help if you shared it on social media platforms: Tiktok, Instagram and more and hopefully my book will get recognised more!
Love you all and thank you

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