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It's been two days since I had forgiven my daddies and through these whole two days I've been able to stay little and it's such a refreshing break from being a big girl

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It's been two days since I had forgiven my daddies and through these whole two days I've been able to stay little and it's such a refreshing break from being a big girl. Did I get spanked for dying and cutting my hair yes, but it was all good after they found out they could still wrap it around there large fists to yank and pull on

I'm sitting in my playroom playing tea parties with my stuffed bunny and American girl doll when daddy and dada come bursting through the door with strange looks on their faces

"Wa wong daddies wa happen" I say standing up walking towards them

"Can you be big for us baby you've gotta come to work with us and you being little is to risky"

I look at them before giggling "Nu thankies daddies I stay hewe"

"Baby I'm sorry but there's not gonna be anyone here to watch you, let's go get ready"

He picks me up and I instantly start to cry dada rubs my back comforting me and kissing me
"I know baby your daddies are such meanies"

He walks into the closet taking out a matching skirt and blazer set with a white turtleneck and my chunky platform heels. He changes my diaper putting me in a new one before putting on my outfit it's cuter than what I thought it would be but I don't want to give them any  satisfaction because I'm still very angry I had to get up

He brushes out my hair placing a white head band on me and kissing me on the forehead. It was probably out of guilt and pity so what do I do I roll my eyes did I intend for him to see of course not I don't wanna be punished however he clearly did see and let's say he wasn't happy

Before he could scold me I jump off the bed and run downstairs to find dada. I don't know when he got changed but he did and let's say he looks good, he's wearing a all black suit with a black turtleneck and black loafers matching exactly with dada who just walked down the stairs

Daddy and dada fix up my baby bag with food bottles, my stuffy and blanket, Paci and diapers and some toys to keep me occupied in there boring and bland office. I pout just thinking about my time there and how I'm gonna die

Dada kisses my pout "Stop pouting baby if we could leave you here we would"

He lifts me on his hip pulling my skirt down giving me my bottle as he walks down to the car, he can clearly sense my sadness as he sits with me in the back slowly rocking me as daddy comes into drive, we drive through a backroad of the city that I've never seen before and everything looks so much more brighter and almost cleaner. Does that make sense?

The car comes to a stop in front of a really tall building and we all get out me on dadas hip him holding my baby bag as daddy gives his keys to a strange man telling him to watch his baby or there gonna have to exchange words

We walk in through the automatic doors and I immediately huddle into dadas neck it's way to loud and I don't like it. "Dada too woud no wike it"

He looks at me "Baby we're gonna be in our quiet office soon but you can't be little please baby" I pout at him almost crying but nod

I feel loads of different stares directed towards us, from the women I see anger and hatred and from the men I feel jealousy and lust and a lot of it. Luckily we got into the lift pressing the top button I couldn't handle the testosterone

We get out and are met with a nice lady at a desk who waves at me smiling so I wave back. At the end of the hallway is a large door and it's my daddy's office it's so big inside that I don't see the figure of a goofy looking man sitting on the large desk he reminds me of Landy

He punches the air as he sees us smiling widely
"My favourite boys how I've missed your grumpy ass faces"

I giggle at him making him squeal and run over
"Aren't you just the cutest little girl ever, fuck your adorable I could just eat you up"

Dada moves me from his grasp "yes she's cute and she's ours and the only people that will be eating her is her daddy's thanks though Liam"

He grabs his chest fawning over the situation talking to daddy while dada sits me on the sofa behind his desk, he takes out some toys a soft blanket and my paci looking at me sternly

"We have some rules baby firstly no wandering off by yourself only with me and daddy or Liam
Secondly you can be little but only around us if someone else comes in you have to be a big girl
And lastly if we leave for a meeting you have to stay in here and be the good girl I know you can be and you'll get rewarded understand"

"Yes daddy I understand I'll be a good girl I promise" he kisses me on the head before going to sit at his desk next to daddy who hasn't said anything to me in ages. How rude

I've been sitting here for a while just watching YouTube on daddy's phone and playing with my barbie dollies but I'm so bored of this and it's quiet, I've practically finished all my snacks and my bottles and now I'm grumpy and full of unnecessary stress that I don't want or need

I look at my daddies and they look stressed too quite tense and the front part of the desk is covered up so no one would even know I'm under there. I giggle and smirk to myself this wasn't one of dada's rules so I'm not breaking anything he said which is perfect I'm so good at this

I crawl behind there chairs and squirm my way through where the gaps of there chairs meet. I place myself between them doing a happy dance no one even notices I'm missing from my spot. This office day is becoming better and better

 This office day is becoming better and better

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