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I wake up happy sandwiched between my two daddies

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I wake up happy sandwiched between my two daddies. Daddy is inbetween my boobs and dada is between my legs his head on my pussy I don't know how we're doing it but I like it

"Dada uppies pease" I whimper struggling to move
"Daddy get upppies now" I say whispering in his ear

My eyes start to water silent tears leaving my eyes dripping down my face as I lay there. I need to potty and I don't have on my diaper

I start to sob louder when I feel dada move around and lookup at me "Morning princess how a- fuck baby what's the matter"

I sniffle wiping my nose on my sleeve "potty dada potty qwickly"

His eyes widen as she shrugs daddy awake " Babe fuck get off the princess"

Daddy groans before getting up "fuck man what do you want"

As soon as he gets up I run up the stairs into my little room and into the bathroom. They got a custom toilet for me so it was small enough for my little age but big enough that I could use when not in little space.

I sink down on the toilet instantly relaxing. I wipe myself and wash my hands before skipping down the stairs and plonking myself in between my daddies.

"Sorry baby I didn't realise you needed to get up now do you wanna talk about yesterday "

"ts otay daddy an um yes pease"

Dada puts me on his lap his hand on my thigh
"What do you wanna know sweatpea"

I tap my chin thinking "dada and daddy wove each other"

Daddy tickles under my chin before chuckling
"Very blunt baby and I guess you could say so. I've known your daddy for very long now and we used to date before he left"

My eyes widen and I shrink into dada "chu both no wove me no more"

"Fuck no baby we still love you your gonna continue the same as you did when I wasn't here just with two daddies okay?"

"Otay dada wove chu and wove chu daddy"

"We love you too babygirl" they repeat at the same time

We sit in a comfortable silence for a while all of us just staring into space before I decide to break the silence "guysss what we doing tday"

Daddies look at each other above my head for a while in silence almost communicating with their eyes "I'm not sure babydoll Landon invited us all to the club later on for his friends birthday, but we weren't sure on going"

My eyes light up "ooh yes yes daddy we go to club pease"

"Sure princess we'll go later why don't you go play upstairs"

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