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He strokes his dick tapping the tip on my wet folds

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He strokes his dick tapping the tip on my wet folds. He aligns himself with my hole before slowly pushing in, I tense at the new feeling squeezing around his tip.

"Fuck baby you can't do that relax and let me in" he moans

I feel dada around me kissing down my neck and massaging around my shoulders causing me to relax. I groan and whimper small tears leaving my eyes and falling down the crook of my breasts.

"Your almost there baby halfway princess"

I moan at his words "Da-daddy please just go fast please daddy I-I need it"

He doesn't say anything but instead pulls all the way out and slams himself inside. I scream in pain and pleasure whimpering when he's balls deep inside of me scratching at dada behind me

"Fuck I'm sorry baby" he moans

He starts to move faster grabbing onto my neck for support as he mercilessly pounds into my cunt. My eyes roll back into my head as he continues to pound into my "d-daddy please"

"Please what baby" he smirks at me

I groan when he hits my spot. "Please make me cum daddy"

"Your wish is my command princess" he grips onto my boobs like handles and thrusts into me. My feet wrap round his waist making him hit deeper, my pussy clenches around him as my eyes roll back

"Cum for me my pretty baby" And I do. My orgasm explodes through me my legs shaking around him, he pulls out of me and cums all over my stomach

"Fuck baby you are wonderful"

I look up at dada to see him sitting above me already staring. "Dada turn"

"Are you sure baby I don't wanna hurt you"

I moan at him pulling him closer "please fuck me dada pretty please"

He smirks at me. I don't like his smirk
"Be prepared pretty girl you won't be looking so pretty when I'm done with you"

"Hands and knees now and arch your back"She scrambled to her hands and knees arching as for as she can go, her face is sunk squished against the mattress as a mixture of her cum and wetness leaks out of her pink cunt

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"Hands and knees now and arch your back"
She scrambled to her hands and knees arching as for as she can go, her face is sunk squished against the mattress as a mixture of her cum and wetness leaks out of her pink cunt

Her round milky ass is on full display waiting for me to mark it. I calm her down with small patterns on her back before thrusting inside her hole

"Your such a tight fucking slut, how are you gonna fit two dicks in here princess"

She fills my ears with cute little whimpers and moans and my eyes with the vision of her arms holding tight into the blankets

"D-Dada please please"

"Please what babygirl tell dada"

"P-please faster dada faster and harder" she moans out sounding embarrassed. I immediately speed up for the little princess grabbing her arms and restraining them behind her back. She has tears down her face black mascara dripping down too

Leaning forward I kiss her lips pecking her twice causing me to go deeper and her to moan louder in my ears. Releasing one of my hands I grab and caress her ass before slapping it watching it bounce around emitting a bright colour. I do it twice more on each cheek

I would be worried at the harshness of my slaps if it wasn't for the fact that my girls a little pain slut and would beg me for more if I stopped.

"Dada-Dada please stop it's too m-much I'm cu" she stops herself as her eyes roll back and she convulses around me squeezing the life out of my dick. She slumps forward but I don't stop I continue pumping into her as I feel my orgasm near. I pull out of her flipping her around and pump my dick to the sight of her

Groaning I throw my head back as streams of cum land out onto her face her mouth wide open catching my cum. She swallows "thank you dada"

I smirk "Your welcome my little cumslut"

I pick her up taking her out into our bathroom turning on the shower and letting her slump against my body I place some body wash on a rag and wipe her down making sure to be careful around sensitive areas. Washing her off I let her sit under the water while I wash my myself

Grabbing a towel I wrap both of us in one and pick her up putting her on my hip. Laying her down on the bed her eyes are closed and her body limp making it easy to put on her diaper and rainbow onesie above her onesie I put her in a a little tutu.

I comb through her hair with my fingers detangling it and letting her wavy hair dry naturally I place her down and put on a pair of joggers and a white tank top.

We walk out of the room downstairs to see Landon, Ash, a very energetic Leo and Theo

Leo is bouncing around the empty club while ash, Landon and Theo watch over him sipping on their drinks. Theo senses we're here before everyone else and quickly turns around

"Was she alright Mack?"
"Even better then alright" I smirk chuckling

He shakes his head taking her from my arms and rocking her in his. I go and stand next to Landon taking a drink from the bar and just zone out watching Theo holding Rosie

I hear him groan and focus my eyes onto little Rosie who's got her head in the crook of his neck sucking on the exposed skin like it's her paci or bottle "we've gotta head out Mack she's slipped smaller than before and is giving me a fucking hickey man"

I chuckle at him agreeing picking up Rosie's shoes and bag. "We're heading out guys, once again happy birthday Landon"

He hugs me "Thanks man appreciate you guys coming"

I shout out a bye to a exhausted ash who's still chasing Leo round the club. I open the door running down the steps to the car, Theo pulls out of the driveway and heads back to the house

 I open the door running down the steps to the car, Theo pulls out of the driveway and heads back to the house

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