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I pull away from her,making my way towards the door

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I pull away from her,making my way towards the door. Before I go downstairs I walk down the hallway towards one of our guest rooms making sure Penny's still asleep so I can reassure May that she's okay

Walking down the stairs, I hear the slight chatter of Landon and Ashton die down, As I walk into the living room they both turn their heads towards me with a smirk.
"Are you tired princess" Landon mocks
I pick up the nearest thing to me being a pillow and throw it as his head "shut up" I grumble walking to sit next to Ashton

Ashton gets up jumping around while chanting "Birdie likes Mj,Birdie likes Mj"
"I don't fucking like May" I say even though I know I'm lying and my self conscious beating me up about it."Speaking of May, we're going to sleep if your staying over there's blankets in that cupboard if not shut the door on the way out and goodnight"

I walk back up the stairs into my room expecting to see lights off and May asleep, but it's quite the opposite really,the lights are on and May is sitting cross legged on the bed, eating chips. She sheepishly turns her head towards me waving "Hi Theo"
"What are you still doing up, I thought you were tired" I say walking up to her and lifting her into my lap "You was taking a long time, and I got bored"

She tells me to open up so she can place a chip into my mouth. Which I obviously say yes to letting the salty sensation of the chip hit my tongue.

Turning on the tv, I put on the series that we've both been watching recently, it's called disenchantment and it's basically about a rebellious princess. It sounds pretty childish and I can't lie I'm pretty embarrassed about how much I like the show.

Turning off the bedside light I wrap my arms tighter around May, I wrest my head into the nook of her neck smelling her raspberry scent that she always seems to have and let the darkness consume me

The next morning I awoke feeling better than I felt the day before, maybe it was the fact that I fell asleep to the scent of raspberries or the fact that I was actually able to get to sleep, but I know whatever it was I'm not letting go off it, tapping the sides of my bed I expect to feel may's body sleeping next to mine but she's not there. I throw myself out of bed putting on my grey joggers from the night before.

"Has anyone seen Jay" I ask running down the stairs turning towards the kitchen. I see everyone staring at me smiling
"What" I say looking around confused until I feel small arms wrap around my waist

Looking down I see Jay staring up at me with her big eyes
"Hi" she says with a big smile on her face
I ruffle her hair "why are you up so early baby, shouldn't you be resting" I say picking her up and resting her on my hip

"We made breakfast for you, they said you were having a hard time so I wanted to help"
Turning around I see Ash,Anders and even little Pennie sitting on the counters watching mine and Jay's interactions

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