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I look up and see him his eyes are just woah they look shiny like emeralds and there really really pretty

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I look up and see him his eyes are just woah they look shiny like emeralds and there really really pretty. Maybe I should tell him that

"Your eyes are reallyyy pretty sir" I say making sure to exaggerate on the really

He chuckles a deep laugh. He sounds just like my daddy, he looks like he could be my daddy

"Thanks princess, now what's a little cutie like you doing in detention"

I pout realising I wasn't in a normal class and remember that I got detention for not focusing

"I couldn't focus in class which is why I'm here and I had bad attitude and now my daddy isn't going to be very happy when I go home" I rant to him

He smirks tilting his head "who's your daddy baby"

I shiver in my seat just thinking about him
"His name is Theo Reign Reeves and he's the best daddy in the whole wide world"

"Theo you say how cute and what's your name little love"

"Daddy says don't talk to strangers and your a stranger so stranger danger"

"It's Dane. Dane McKenzie now we're not strangers what's yours"

"Oh goodie my name is Mayah Jayliana Rose, but you can call me May or Jay or liana or maybe even Rosie no one calls me that but you can be the first"

He whispers the name Rosie almost testing it on his tongue before he nods his head smiling
"Rosie I like it"

I look at my hands fidgeting with them tapping them across the table swinging my legs back and forth to try and pass the time in this room

I feel a nudge on my shoulder "How about we get out of here the teachers fast asleep and half the kids are gone"

I look around at the almost empty classroom and the teacher snoozing with her head on her desk "hmm okay then let's go"

I pick up my backpack grabbing Kenzie's hand and we skip out of the classroom hand in hand
"Let's go find my daddy"

"Sure little one I've been meaning to find that dipshit"

"Dipshit that's a funny word what's it mean"

He looks down at me eyes wide and mouth gaping open and shut. He whispers a 'fuck' under his breathe

"Don't say that word your daddy will kill me"

We continue to skip down the hall and by we I mean I skip while he trudges along behind with a scowl on his face. Definitely a daddy

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