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I groan twisting and turning in my bed, my head hurts so fucking bad

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I groan twisting and turning in my bed, my head hurts so fucking bad. I open my eyes to see a checkered ceiling. This isn't my bedroom, I sit up in the bed noticing I'm in fact in a hospital why does this always happen to me

My daddies and snuggled up on the couch to the left of me, I whimper in pain and from the fact that I'm by myself I swing my legs of off the bed and stagger off to my daddies, I lay myself in the small gap in between them and let myself fall back to sleep

---Time Skip---

"Baby when did she get here, she's gonna strain herself"

"Don't blame me hun i was asleep" Daddy says

I whine in between them hitting them away from me. "Shhh daddies I sweepin go away"

Daddy chuckles "Baby you need to get back into your own bed so you can checked out"

I look up at him pouting "No thank you daddy"

He snickers at me giving dada a pointed look "See she's fine, she doesn't want to move"

Dada kisses his teeth at daddy making me giggle. The hospital door opens and a female nurse walks into the room asking to take a look at me. I look at my daddies shaking my head making daddy pick me up instead and sit me up on his lap on the hospital bed

The lady uses a light and shines it in my eyes before checking my head and writing on a clip board. She places her hand on daddy's thigh making me and dada glare at her.

"Okay so your sister here is technically like okay or whatever she just needs to be careful not to reopen the stitches in her head , but like now that's over wanna go out sometime I'm free whenever"

I scoff digging my nails into her hand "Get your fucking hands of off my boyfriend you fake ass barbie doll before I break them for you"

She glares at me pouting at daddy "Are you gonna let your sister talk to me like that baby"

Dada stands up storming towards her backing her into a wall before grabbing onto her neck

"Maybe you didn't fucking hear her because of the amount of Botox you have lodged in your brain, but he doesn't want you nor does anyone else learn when your not wanted and fuck off"

She whimpers nodding her head tears dripping from her eyes, she drops her clipboard on the floor running out of the room a trail of loud sobs following after her

"Well you broke a couple rules just then but fuck if I'm not horny" daddy says breaking the silence

I pout at him "No daddy that's not fair she was touching you everywhere and you did nothing"

"Your still being punished babydoll cussing is not allowed and neither is shouting at people"

I jump off of his lap crossing my arms and stomping my feet. The more he lectures me the more I feel myself slipping causing a bigger tantrum.

"No daddy no you a big fat meanie and I no like ou any mowe" I say pointing my finger at him

I reach my arms out into the air calling for dada to pick me up when daddy tries to lift me up instead causing me to slap his hands away
"Go away wight now daddy no like ou evew again"

He looks at me sternly eyes wide before he tightly grabs my wrist "We do not hit people little girl especially not your daddy"

My eyes gloss over and I walk over to dada straddling his lap with my head in his neck.
"Daddy was so rude to you wasn't he baby"

I nod my head sniffling "Daddy so wude to me"

Daddy growls lowly "Babe don't turn her against me she needed to be punished she's lucky it was only a talking to"

Dada snickers "She's already against you and so am I, you still let that girl touch you and didn't do anything"

He gets up making me wrap my legs around his waist as he walks out the door with my bag leaving daddy to look like a lost pout at the back. We walk out to the car park and dada sits in the back with me ignoring daddy in the front

I pull on his shirt whining "Ba ba dada"
He opens the baby bag grabbing out my bottle and rubs it against my lips to which I happily suckle on the inviting cold milk. I stare up at dada smiling causing milk to spill out of my mouth

He smiles back at me "Your so fucking cute my little babydoll"

I reached up touching his cheek causing him to blush. I giggle I made dada blush how cute

The car stops and we've arrived back at the house. Daddy comes round the car to take me out when dada pushes his hand out of the way telling him he could do it himself. We walk out of the house to the smell of food, I internally squeal having not eaten in a while when I hear unknown voices making me slip into a older headspace and ask dada to put me down

We all walk into the kitchen making granny run up to us kissing us and hugging us in joy
"Oh my babies I haven't seen you guys in a while"

I laugh "Hi granny it smells delicious" she gonna her hands to her heart blushing "Thank you my dear now come sit"

She ushers us into seats in daddy in between my dada and daddy with a strange lady who looks about my age or a couple years older in front of me, when everyone sits down she stares at me

"Who are you exactly" she says pointing her knife at me, taking me back a bit my mouth opens and closes in shock and I don't know what to say

"She's our girlfriend bella" daddy says

The Bella girl looks shocked "Really lil cuz cause from what I've seen she doesn't wanna be near you only Dane" she pouts "Aww are you in the doghouse"

"Shut the fuck up Bella and mind your god damn business"

"Well it's true if you didn't let other girls touch you we wouldn't be here now would we" I mumble under my breathe, i though I was being quiet but clearly not as everyone's staring at me with wide eyes, I blush fast and look back down at my plate stuffing food into my mouth

Bella smirks "I fucking like her you guys picked good"

Dinner goes by quick making everyone go there separate ways. Dada tucked me into bed a while ago and I'm laying down drifting off to the sound of oceans on the TV when my door opens and a tall black figure enters my room

 Dada tucked me into bed a while ago and I'm laying down drifting off to the sound of oceans on the TV when my door opens and a tall black figure enters my room

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