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I feel the light peek through the badly closed curtains making me groan and rub my eyes

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I feel the light peek through the badly closed curtains making me groan and rub my eyes. I'm snuggled on top of Dane with Jay somehow planted in between us. I hear murmuring around me and the shutter of cameras

I open my eyes and see my mum, Step-dad Cole who is really just my dad, Penny and her girlfriend who must've stayed over. "Fuck man what are all of you doing" I moan swatting the air around them to get them away

Cole snickers "We're just taking some comfort time in your lovely relationship Theodore"

"First of all never call me that again step-dad and second of all leave us the fuck alone man"

All my moaning makes Dane twist underneath me waking up, he kisses me on the forehead "Good morning baby"

I kiss him back on the cheek "Good morning my love"

He talks with my family a bit me while I just stare down at Jay. She's so beautiful, fuck man how did I get so lucky with both of them

I feel a hitting on my chest "Be qwiet daddies I sweeping" she moans angrily hitting me harder

Dane stops talking and pulls her up into his chest properly "Stop being rude little girl it's time to wake up anyways"

She moans hitting Danes chest "But daddy I tiwed sweeps pease" Dane whispers something in her ear and she instantly perks up running up the stairs

Everyone looks at Dane questioning why she was suddenly so energetic and he shrugs his shoulders "I promised her bath time with her daddies and toys"

I stand up cracking my back and shoulders before kissing my parents on the cheek and walking up the stairs. Walking up to our room I hear little groans of frustration,I see Jay in the middle of the room struggling to get her onesie off. I grab the onesie with one hand and her waist with the other and pull her out

"Thanks daddy" she says out of breath and panting. I lift her on my hip I place her into the fully run bath, I grab her toy box from under the sink and let her pick out three toys she ends up with a squirting octopus, a barbie and a Ken doll

I remove my bottoms placing our clothes on the hamper and get in behind her. We sit there playing until Dane comes into the bathroom drops his boxers and just stand there his somehow fully erect dick on display

I zone out staring at it and clearly someone was to when I hear "Are you two done staring at my dick now"

I look over to May to see her already looking at me and then winks. "You really are my girl"

Dane shakes his head getting in, in front of her and relaxes back into the bubbles and water
The bathroom is mostly silent except from the quite murmur of Jay playing with her dolls. She stops playing with her dolls leaving them to float in the bubbles, when she looks up at me with a mischievous smirk.

I tilt my head at her, when she reaches forward into the water inching closer to Dane's dick. I shake my head at her no grabbing her hips when she takes hold of my Dick distracting me

She moves fast into the water towards Dane who I'm pretty sure is asleep and circles round his tip with her nails before reaching down under the water and grabs him with her hand. She starts moving slowly before getting quicker making Dane groan. She winks at me before dipping her head under water onto Danes dick

My eyes widen as do Dane's when he thrusts up into the air. She comes up out of the water taking deep breaths "Hi dada" She whispers in his ear before jumping out the bath and going into our room

"Did she j-just I'm gonna get blue balls man"

I smirk at him chuckling "That's our fucking girl"

----Time Skip----

Me and Dane ended up sitting upstairs for a while after our bath just talking and out now only just going downstairs. One because we haven't seen Mayah in a while and two cause we miss our little baby

We walk downstairs hand in hand and see May sitting on the chair in a Victoria secret lace pj set eating a bowl of lucky charms next to her sister and Leilani. She looks up at us smiling
"Hi daddies, I haven't seen you in a while"

"Hi baby are you okay" Dane says sitting in between her legs me on the other side of her
There watching lady and the tramp an assortment of popcorn sweets biscuits and fizzy drinks on the table. Dane turns around and placed his head on her thigh breathing slowly into her pussy making her squirm and close her legs around him.

He looks over to his right making sure the girls weren't watching him before reaching up into her shorts and pulling them to the side to get to her pussy. He looks up at me whispering "No panties"

I smirk chuckling before grabbing one of her tits playing with her hard nipple. I pull down her shirt enclosing my mouth around her nipple sucking it hard likely leaving bruises

She lightly moans wrapping her arm around my neck holding me in place. She closes her eyes in bliss while Kenzie plays with her pussy groaning in frustration when he doesn't touch her where she wants.

He finally goes to the place she wants when the door opens and the lights turn on, Dane moves from between her legs while I move putting her on my lap keeping my hand down her shirt

My parents come in the room all loving and giggling, they drop bags of Chinese food on the table before saying there going upstairs and they'll see us hopefully tomorrow morning

I grimace not wanting to know what the hell they were going to be doing until morning

Leilani comes running back in with plates handing them to everyone while Kenzie helps her dish out all the food. I remove my hand from her boob and instead place it in her hip where her top rides up. Not so sure why but loving the skin to skin contact

As she eats she moves on my waist making me groan into her ear "Baby you gotta stop moving like that, you make daddy want to stick his dick in you and you fuck you in front of everyone"

She doesn't stop but instead places her plate on the table making sure to arch her back coming back up. I pull her by her braids "Do it daddy fuck me like a slut"

 I pull her by her braids "Do it daddy fuck me like a slut"

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