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I wake up as if it's an emergency, as if sleeping had become a dangerous thing

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I wake up as if it's an emergency, as if sleeping had become a dangerous thing. My heart beats fast and there is a buzzing in my brain and together there causing a sudden wave of uncontrollable fear and anxiety. Shaking with fear I pick up my phone to see that it's early in the morning which meant wherever I was I had slept till the next morning and my sister wasn't with me.

My heart thudded in my chest. My hands shook,My feet tingling they were numb everything about me was numb. My vision was disfigured as if I was looking through a fish eye lens and I felt disconnected from the real world. I had to get away.

I throw myself out of the bed tripping on the crumpled blankets I pushed on the floor. I grab the door handle and twist it open shocked by how quickly it opened and questioning if I had really been kidnapped

I run out the door to be greeted with a grand staircase decorated with what could only be real gold and silver, I run down the stairs hissing with every step I took and how cold they were underneath my bare feet.

I was paralyzed in shock as that sudden rush of adrenaline left me falling,I had tried to catch myself reaching out for the light fixture on the wall narrowly missing my head on the corner of the banister. I fall hitting my head on the marble flooring.

When I had imagined myself falling down stairs it was with delicate femininity, but boy was reality different.I staggered backward, my mind swirling, my breaths shallow causing nausea to creep up from my abdomen and into my head.Staggering forward I try to reach for the door before falling into darkness

I could here the patter of her small bare feet slapping across the staircase alerting me and her sister to her awakening *Flashback*I picked her sister up from school after her aunt had begged me to cause she couldn't care for her, only to realise...

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I could here the patter of her small bare feet slapping across the staircase alerting me and her sister to her awakening
I picked her sister up from school after her aunt had begged me to cause she couldn't care for her, only to realise that this same little girl was best friends with my little brother and sister

We had gone to her house to collect their stuff as I had told pennie they would be staying with me for awhile. Surprisingly she wasn't upset and she did that thing girl's do when there happy and said "it would be like a never ending sleepover"

We reached there house and I expected to be let in by there parents, when I saw pennie reach into her bag to get a key. She pushed open the door and turned on the lights.

There house wasn't big like mine but it also wasn't small it looked like the perfect place for a family,The house had a neutral vibe to it with hints of pink and blue's scattered around.

I walk up there grey carpeted stairs to be met with a hallway and 5 rooms. I saw Pennies name on a lilac room which must have meant it was hers, I saw a large sized bathroom, A dark stone grey office scattered with papers and books, And a play room which I'm guessing is pennies as the door says her name. There was also another room with a closed door, which could have meant I wasn't supposed to enter but I did anyway

I push open the door  to see a velvet king sized bed with a marble blue and gold headboard accenting the place.Her room was much more elegant and grown up looking than I thought it would be, maybe due to the fact of her looking like a ant compared to me and me not actually knowing her age.The colours fit what my friends had told me of her personality perfectly, Bubbly sweet and caring.

A/N This is the type of bedroom inspiration I want for her to have just with more nautical colours and blues

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A/N This is the type of bedroom inspiration I want for her to have just with more nautical colours and blues

I exited her room only to notice that it was the last room upstairs and that her parents room didn't have a place in there house and there house was pretty big so if they wanted to live here they could've.

"Penelope" I shout to her cause she's still meant to be packing both her and Mayah's clothes,but it seems like she's finished cause all I can hear is the slight chatter of a tv. "Yes" she hesitates to say almost nervous of what I'm about to ask her.

"Where are your parents room"I say walking down the hall to her room and leaning on her bedroom door frame. "We don't have parents so I guess they wouldn't need a room" she chirps casually as if it's the most common thing  to say "may I ask where they are" I mutter awkwardly rubbing the back of my neck trying not to make this situation any weirder than it already was.

She sighs "well Mj told me they disappeared one day and she would tell me what really happened when I was older so from four years ago when she was thirteen she's been watching me she's also been thinking about adopting me" she continues waffling on not letting me get a sentence in"she told me it would make our whole situation easier for the future and I see her more of a mum figure to me so I wouldn't mind" she tells me this information as if she's been rehearsing it for ages
*End of flashback
"Birdie, it's been quite a while where is she" Penelope whines. She's been waiting for mayah since last night since it was meant to be there special girls day and she never got her freddo ice cream cake

"I actually don't know pennie, let me go check on her"I get up, of the lovesack and walk through the hallway to our obnoxiously big staircase that my father insisted we bought,but what I find at the bottom is enough to make anyone's heart drop.

"I actually don't know pennie, let me go check on her"I get up, of the lovesack and walk through the hallway to our obnoxiously big staircase that my father insisted we bought,but what I find at the bottom is enough to make anyone's heart drop

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