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I sit perched on my knees under the desk when I hear a groan come from daddy

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I sit perched on my knees under the desk when I hear a groan come from daddy. "Where the fuck is Mayah"

I see both there eyes bounce around the room looking for me until dada's eyes land on mine "I think we found our little vixen" he smirks

"What are you doing under there baby" he says mockingly cooing at me

"I'm bored dada really really bored" I pout placing my hands on his thighs

"So you want your daddies cocks to entertain you huh?" I nod my head looking at them both dada looks sold but daddy not so much. He's so stuck up all the time

"Babe this is not a good idea someone could walk in at any moment" he says scolding dada

He groans annoyed "Cmon babe she's on her knees drooling for our cocks and no one can see her anyway it's fine"

Daddy looks at me his eyes changing "Beg, beg us to take our cocks down your pathetic filthy mouth"

"Please daddy I want it" I say humiliated this was my idea and now he's ruining it

He spits into my mouth and I swallow "Not good enough you wanted our cocks so now you can beg for our cocks"

I pout looking at him doe eyed "Please daddy can I take your big cock down my filthy throat I'll be such a good slut for you both I promise "

He groans pulling his trousers down with his boxers matching dadas eager state who already had his hard dick out. He sticks his fingers down my throat making me gag using it as a lube for his dick. He yanks me by my hair pulling me up telling me with his eyes what to do, but I purposely wait just staring at him

He pulls me onto his dick forcing me to take him down my throat "Suck my fucking dick like the good slut you promised to be"

I'm basically swallowing his dick that's how deep he's pushed me onto him, my mouth is moving fast on him my small hand groping what I can't fit into my mouth. He pulls harder on my hair while thrusting into my mouth at the same speed letting out small groans and incoherent words of pleasure

Wearing a diaper is helping as I can feel all sorts of wetness dripping out of me, I mean what can I say pleasuring my daddies pleasures me. He thrusts into my mouth faster and I can tell he's about to cum by the way his eyes are squinting and he's lifted out of his chair, he tenses in my mouth once more before releasing into my mouth he taste salty but a good salty

He lightly slaps my face calling me a good girl when we hear the office door click open. He stuffs his now soft dick back into his trousers wiping the sweat of off his face. I can tell by the clicking of heels that it's a woman and by dadas face he clearly doesn't like this woman

I slowly move my hands onto his thighs dragging my nails around his dick making him scoot his chair further into the desk to hide me, he subtly looks at me shaking his head when I wink at him unzipping his trousers and pulling them down along with his boxers and stroke his hardened length

"Hey Dane, Theo I came to give you your files and a coffee it's your favourite" she practically purrs

Daddy groans "McKenna what have we told you about using our first names its highly unprofessional but thank you for the coffee"

"Boys we're practically best friends we've known each other so long its totally fine no one cares"

I stroke his cock dragging my nails across his length, before slowly licking the tip he shifts in his seat to grab my hair placing my full mouth onto him and slowly thrusts himself into him

I'm glad this lady is a blonde and also deeply in love with my daddies cause she can't even tell what's happening right under her fake ass nose

I move faster into him my nose touching his shaved region making myself gag and dada cover it up with a deep cough which sounded more like a moan "Are you okay daney, your a bit red and sweaty"

"Fuck yes I'm fine McKenna you can leave now" he almost huffs out

She whines yes actually whines before letting out "It's okay daney I'm on my break I can still stay for a while more we can have lunch"

Dada takes that moment to lift himself off his chair and thrust hard into my mouth not caring about McKenna who's standing on the other side of the desk. "What the fuck are you doing dane" she pathetically growls

He pushes the table back moaning loudly exposing me to McKenna's angry eyes. " I can't fucking do this anymore" he says pulling me onto my knees and fucking my mouth faster letting out small whimpers and groans as he does "Who the fuck is she and why is she here"

"She's my little, my girlfriend practically my wife at this point and she's clearly sucking my dick because she's already done sucking off Theo okay"

"W-well that's meant to be me between your legs not some street slut" she stomps slamming files onto the desk

"Yes she's a slut our fucking slut and if you have a problem with it leave" he smirks at her before letting out one last groan and cumming all down my throat warming my insides up
He lifts me onto his lap kissing my neck and i slyly wave at the blonde watching her leave the office with fat tears and mascara dripping down her face.

Daddy claims my lips kissing me roughly. "I fucking love you, doesn't mean your not getting punished"

Dada lifts up my skirt ripping my diaper off before plunging himself into me and I let out a piercing scream of pain and pleasure having not felt so full in so long

And whatever else happened in that office is now history but what i can tell you is that i got to live out my office dream and they got to fill my holes with there warm cum while leaving me limping and covered in purple hickeys, nail bite marks and a nice bruised ass

And whatever else happened in that office is now history but what i can tell you is that i got to live out my office dream and they got to fill my holes with there warm cum while leaving me limping and covered in purple hickeys, nail bite marks an...

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