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I scrunch my eyes at the bright light that was seeping through my closed eyelids

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I scrunch my eyes at the bright light that was seeping through my closed eyelids. I felt powerless and heavy. I couldn't move my hand, my head or my body.

I slowly started blinking, trying to open my eyes to see what was around me. As the blinding light slowly subsided I could take a look around at my surroundings. I was in the hospital. A place I told myself I would never step back in.

My eyes bounced back and forth between the door and the iv drip.My eyes excessively blinking, burgeoning with tears. I dig my hands into my arm desperately trying to rip off the iv

"Stop messing with your IV dove" I look up to see the same guy from the school and my work
I drop my head to my hands and fiddle with my fingers "why am I here I don't like hospitals" I whisper
"Well princess you seemed to take quite the tumble down my flight of stairs" he chuckles talking to me like I'm some sort of child

Child... child.... Why do I feel like I'm forgetting something important oh snap my sister

I pull off what I think was supposed to be my blanket but was really just as thin as my shower curtain and run out off the supposed bed only to be pulled into someone's lap

My chest starts heaving up and down as my breathing gets heavier and heavier "m-my sis-sister, I need to f-find her" I say clawing at the hands that now lie on my hips

I feel smoothness rubbing up and down my back making me slowly relax into his arms
" your sister is safe at my house dove, now relax don't want you falling down anymore stairs" he mocks placing a cheesy grin on his face

"Why are you helping me sir I don't even know you" I say my voice coming out small and insecure which was different for even me
"I'm helping you because I like you, I've liked you since my friends first introduced me to you and now your all that's on my mind"

I didn't know what to say he practically just told me he like like's me but do I like like him I've never like liked anyone before and I don't even know his name does that make me rude I question

"what are you thinking in that pretty head of yours baby"He snickers tapping the side of my head
"It's just that I don't know your name or anything about you" I say with a small voice
"Well my names Theo-reign Reeves and I'm 19 years old, what about you sweetheart"

These constant pet names he keeps calling me makes my tummy do weird flips and my face heat up

"W-well my names M-Mayah- j-jayliana Rose and I'm 1-17" I whisper my voice shaking with nerves which I'm quite confused about because I have no reason to be nervous around him he's just an incredibly handsome guy with the deepest blue eyes that I could stare at forever I mean no big deal.....right?

"Well I love that name"He says offering a smile after as he must've sensed my nervousness
"When can I go home" I say ignoring his last statement as it's already making me blush

He does a dramatic gasp slapping his hand on his heart "You don't want to spend time with me is my company not enough for you" My eyes widen "I-I'm sorry I d-didn't mean it like th-that, I like your company I r-really do b-but i don't like hospitals" I whisper

He's laughing he's really fricking laughing "I'm sorry baby, I was only joking I've already checked you out we can leave now if you want"

Time skip- few hours later
Im in his house like I'm actually in a guys house, (why am I so excited you may ask well since I've had Pennie I've never been able to go out anywhere,not that I would've been able to anyway but it's still a big deal )we got here a couple hours ago and we've been getting to know each other. Turns out he's not a crazy stalker like I initially thought he was

I hear the chatter of familiar voices walking towards our place in the living room, Where I'm sitting snuggled up with Theo while his arm is hanging loosely round my waist. It's 8pm and normally me and pennie would be asleep by now(Yes I know I'm 17 years old and still have a bedtime)but this time it's only pennie I asked to put her in a guest room till I could come and lay with her

I look up to see Ash and Anders my two best friends. I immediately jump out of Theo's arms and jump into Anders hugging him tightly not forgetting to give ash her kiss on the cheek "Looks like you missed us smalls" he says with a big grin on his face walking us back over to the sofa

"Of could I missed you dummy" I say bouncing on his knee.I look beside me to see Theo staring at Landon with a almost jealous like glint in his eyes

He pulls me out of Landon's lap and I immediately put my head back into the crook of his neck letting myself relax because like i said I'm usually asleep by 8pm and it's currently bordering 9pm

Theo senses my tiredness and slowly starts rocking us back and forth "Is my little princess tired" he says tilting my chin up so he can see my face better I'm most definitely sure I was blushing but I was too tired to care "mmhm"
I mumble wrapping my arms around his neck

He stands up hoisting me into the nook of his hip, placing his hand gently under my butt walking towards the stairs. I turn my head towards the sofa giving a small wave to Anders and ash, which they happily return. I turn my head back into Theo's neck, and see him walking to a dark wood coloured door. "Theo this doesn't look like the room I put Pennie in" I whisper with a groggy voice "I thought u would be comfier sleeping in my bed, thought the close contact would be good for you" he said with a almost worried tone like I was going to say no

Too tired to argue I nod my head, letting him put me on the left side of his bed. He starts to move away from me, I don't know what had overcome me or why i did it maybe it was the thought of being left alone again after such a long time, but I scrunch his top pulling him towards me.

"Stay....Please" I say with a small voice looking up at him with doe eyes. He scrunches his eyebrows almost in a way to say that he's thinking about it."Fine, let me just go downstairs and talk to ash and Anders okay?"
"Okay then,be quick though" I say snuggling into the blanket. I didn't mean to sound needy but ever since he's come into my life this feeling of almost want and need always seems to overcome me when I'm near him

 I didn't mean to sound needy but ever since he's come into my life this feeling of almost want and need always seems to overcome me when I'm near him

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