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She's crying, last night was a okay night she made up with Theo and we went to bed, All our friends stayed last night and since we all woke up early we decided to have a chat about what happened when Landons stupid ass had to mention Jack and Lind...

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She's crying, last night was a okay night she made up with Theo and we went to bed, All our friends stayed last night and since we all woke up early we decided to have a chat about what happened when Landons stupid ass had to mention Jack and Linda rose. We figured out the bartender got paid to drug her so after theo beat his ass we sent him to the police with a nice long confession of what he had done

And now our baby's parents are clearly after her and Penny and we don't know what to do.

We've been trying to calm her down for about an hour now but we're getting no where. I pick her up on my hip and go into the kitchen and warm up a bottle for her after it's done I give it to her and she instantly takes it from me laying in my neck.

"Im sorry baby I'm so fucking sorry I'll sort it out don't you worry" I say kissing her forehead

We walk back into the front room and everyone coos at May as I place her on Theo's lap before sitting down in Theo's arms. " so guys what are we gonna do about the whole J and L situation"
Jake says breaking the silence

We all look towards him with a glare as Landon pulls him into his arms. "Guys don't look at him like that it's not his fault he's got a loud mouth" Jake pouts at him with a whine

"My uncles got friends in the force I've asked him to keep tabs on them and if there's any movement to tell us immediately so we're good for now" I say brushing Mays hair as she sleeps

An awkward silence fills the quiet room as everyone does there own thing trying not to say the wrong thing or upset a already angry Theo before yet again Jake says to Landon which he intended to be a whisper but considering he was in little space didn't work out " Does that mean May-May might get taken away"

Landon's eyes widen as he tries to stumble a response out. "What the fuck did you just say" Theo shouts out practically growing, I rub his thighs telling him to calm down when he brushes me off

"No... what the fuck did you just say" He shouts standing up

"I-I as-asked if May-May was gonna g-get taken away" he stuttered out, Theo lunges at the poor boy when ash grabs him holding him away from a now sobbing Jake, Landon takes him upstairs and Theo grabs my keys stomping out of the front door.

In the midst of all of that may's now up and awake her doe eyes staring back at me with confusion. "What h-happend d-dada" she whispers

"Nothing baby don't worry your daddy's just stressed" I tell her kissing her sweaty forehead

She gets up from my lap telling me she's going to have a shower before waddling up the stairs rubbing her red eyes.

"Sooo we're going back to school soon that's exciting" Ash yawns out

I scoff "How fucking exciting we have a bunch of psychos after May and Penny and we're going back to school how great"

"Sorry just trying to break this awful silence" she whispers looking down

"It's fine it's not you I'm just stressed about everything, Theo's off the hook and May is clearly more depressed than she was before"

I hear waddling down the stairs and May runs down in a onesie and a tutu clearly feeling little it's probably from all the stress from the past weeks. "Hey baby are you okay"

She nods her head sitting in my lap "Uh huh i all good, I shower and and Watch YouTube and now I here" she stumbles out fast

"You did all that baby how cool" I say chuckling at her giddiness, I hear her stomach rumble

"Are you hungry baby" she frowns at me shaking her head "Are you sure baby, I can make you a sandwich" she vigorously shakes her head  no and instead sucks her thumb

Ash looks at me worriedly the same thing I'm thinking clearly on her mind. This girl always eats even if she isn't hungry there will always be something in her mouth so it's strange

I see that Leo had fallen asleep in Ash's arms causing her to get up with a groan and walk up the stairs into the room she's been staying at leaving me and Rosie in our own silence

I turn on the tv putting on cartoons as I check over work emails from my phones, majority of emails from my uncle giving me updates on how work in New York is going and updates on the force

I must be checking and answering emails for a while as I look out the windows seeing it's dark the time being eight on the dot, I walk into the kitchen causing May to whine as I pull her away from the tv but she hasn't eaten all day so I'm gonna at least get a bottle in her

I pour her vanilla milk into her princess bottle warming up before shaking it and placing it in her mouth, I contemplate waiting up for Theo however this week has completely wiped me out and i can barely keep my eyes open for more than five minutes.

I walk up the stairs into our room and place her into the middle of the bed and considering she's drinking her bottle she's half asleep so it's easy to place her down. I strip down out of my clothes to my boxers and lay down next to her wrapping my arms around her tiny waist as i listen to the soft suckles of her bottle which lull me into a deep sleep.

 I strip down out of my clothes to my boxers and lay down next to her wrapping my arms around her tiny waist as i listen to the soft suckles of her bottle which lull me into a deep sleep

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