The Morning After

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The first thing Emma Carstairs saw when she woke up was a sweeping landscape. The outlines of hills sweeping down to the rocks of the ocean below framed by the flow of a glorious sunset, rich with blues, pinks and yellows . Then her gaze took in the white walls, wooden furniture, old t-shirts spread across the floor and the warmth of the bed she was lying in. This was one place she knew almost better than her own room which was coincidently right across the hall, this was Jules's room, a place where mess was continues and paint stains were inevitable. She was pleasantly surprised to see soft morning light streaming through the window and was rather drowsy until she was shocked to realise she was not alone but Jules was next to her, shirtless with A sheet covering half of him  and she,she was not wearing anything at all.blush immediately painted her cheeks and she grabbed the blanket searching for anything that might cover up her lack of clothing. Gathering it around under her armpits made her feel a little better until the boy in the bed beside her groaned and said in a groggy voice
"You always steal the blankets meanie" he obviously didn't care that he happened to be naked lying on his front. Before she could reply he grabbed the sheet and wrapped it around herself
"Jules!" She squeaked in alarm as the cold air replaced the warmth of the blanket. Her outburst seemed to have woken him up fully though  and he half sat up his blackthorn eyes excited in the way someone might look on Christmas morning
"Wow" he said those eyes traveling across her body which was currently spread across the mattress for the world to see
"Jules!" She squeaked again this time in embarrassment blush making her face got once again. Immediately she crossed her legs together and crossed her arms over her chest. He only laughed and pulled her to his chest  snuggling his face into her hair
"Em, I may be all sensitive and sweet but I happen to be a boy and when a boy had a girl in their bed as beautiful as you...well it's hard not to say it out loud."he smiled and kissed her head. Then she remembered last night in short flashes. Jules asking her to meet in his room after dinner, him kissing her slowly at first then harder, more urgent. His hands which could paint anything from sunsets and re faces of the people he loved ran along her body as if he were painting her. Sweat, gasps, moans and heat all boiled into one churning vortex of Jules and her together him whispering that he loved her and that she was beautiful her gasping his name and telling him how she had missed him when he had been gone an how she missed him whenever he wasn't there and then in the final moments before she had drifted to sleep Julian interlacing his fingers with hers and holding her close ass she breathed in the smell that was him her parabatai, her best friend and now the one person she was sure she could never live without.

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