Emmas love life pt2

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Once training was over Emma was sweating like a pig. She practically fell into the shower she was excited to wipe the grime and dried sweat of the days work off her. Ice she had washed all remains of hard work down the drain she had a towel wrapped around her, wet tangles of blonde hair cascading over her shoulders. But when she walked back into her room she screamed and jumped back almost slipping on the wet tiles of the bathroom floor. Cameron was sitting on her bed but at her outburst had jumped up standing on his feet
"Are you okay?!" He said all armed as she steadied herself on the door frame
"yes, yes I'm fine" her voice sounded tight even to herself. Caneron had the nerve to laugh
"You sing in the shower" he have a low laugh
"And you don't?" She countered "Cam can you please turn around?" He looked confused "so I can get some clothes on?!" She was raising her eyebrows again as he blushed and turned around.it was only then she realised that all her clothes were in her chest of draws which Cameron happened to be leaning against.
"Hey Cam? Can you please pass me some clothes?" She asked sweetly hiding her grin. She saw one serious Cameron blushing ahead...
"Um, okay!" He said and then proceeded to sort through each of her draws pulling a strange assortment of black shirts, pants, bras and underwear from their assorted neat piles. Emma was tidy to the extreme point where if every item of clothing in her draws wasn't folded she would freak, but it wasn't her fault.when she got mad she cleaned. So she cleaned often
"You can turn around now" she smiled at him wearing a grey tank top and black jeans rolled up to her mid-shins
"Exactly" Cameron started to say as he moved across the room towards her "how do you make a top and jeans look so damn sexy?"
"Sheer force of will" she confided. He just smiled, leaned down and kissed her. Cameron was a good kisser she had to give him that. He wasn't push either which was one quality she liked about him, some of her previous boy friends had been rather pushy trying to get into her pants...let's just say they didn't live long.When Cameron kissed her he meant it every touch every word he treasured and that was one thing she liked about her boys. She suddenly jumped up and wrapped her legs around his waist, as a reaction from his training he immediately caught her his hands on the tops of her thighs.she liked kissing cam, it was more of an absent minded thing to do. She could think about other things while doing it, other people
"Well as adorable and heart warming as this teenage hormone filed make out session is it happens to be dinner time! And also Cameron-going-home time." As she looked up she saw Jules leaning against the door frame, arms crossed. Cameron carefully put her down and have her a quick peck on the lips
"It's getting late I should probably be going" he said and with a short goodbye left her room and headed to the front door of the institute.
"Wow em I must say you and Cameron-"
"NO. Jules I don't want to hear your dad talk!" She interrupted him, jumping onto the bed and looking up at the ceiling
"Um actually I was going to say you may want to pull your top up but if you don't want to- I do t really mind either way" he smiled as she looked down at herself realising that infact her tank too had been pulled down revealing her lacy grey bra. She teasingly shimmied her shoulders a couple of times before pulling it up covering herself again.
" u know Jules really don't feel like dinner tonight"
"Well that's good because neither am I" he shook his head, brown hair falling into his eyes. Jules's eyes always made him look absent minded, being so light he was always far away even when he was intently concentrating on something. "I can't believe out of all the boys in LA you choose that one"
" and out of all the girls in LA you choose no one! Although I am kinda glad your still a Virgin...none of those girls are good enough for you anyway" he moved and sat next to her on the bed, shoulder to shoulder like they had been doing since they were 7 years old
"And exactly how do you know I'm a virgin? Actually don't answer that." He played with the bed sheet then picked her hand up and toyed with that drawing the shapes of runes on her palm with his fingertips "anyway we can be Virgins together" she only laughed and shook her head
"Since when was I a virgin?!" She was still laughing as Jules blushed on his hands still
"Your not?!" He squeaked "okay well I can guarantee he wasn't good enough for you and also WHEN?!"
"Okay well...15 years old, Edward nightshade Summer of 2010"
"Wow that guy was a dick" he suddenly sat up " wait this before we became parabatai right??" She nodded "that means- that means I must have been ACROSS THE HALL?!"he sat up looking surprised, Emma only took the position of someone in prayer with her palms pressed together, head bent slightly
"And for silence and locking runes we say amen" looking back up at him she said "Jules you don't seem to worry that I was having sex at 15? Or where we did it?All you seem to care about was the fact I was across the hall from you" she laughed as he spluttered
"Where- oh angel not in this bed?! Really em? You disgust me." But he didn't get up "and 15? Are you serious? Like okay 16 is pushing it slightly but 15?i don't want to know how many times-"
"32" she smiled knowing this was too much information for him and she sat back to watch him splutter and blush.
"I will never see you in the same way"
"Don't worry thats what most guys say after they've slept with me" she laughed "it's not my fault I'm fabulous in bed"
"So modest too"
"Says the 17-year-old virgin. Gosh Jules i should sleep with you just so you can say you've done it!" Inside she knew she wanted to sleep with Jules for more reasons than his pride but she couldn't tell him, wouldn't tell him. This will never happen, she kept telling herself.We can never happen.what she didn't know is that he felt exactly the same way...

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