The boy made from glass and thorns

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It had been a Tuesday when the first gift arrived. Would you call words a gift? She wondered well words as beautiful as these maybe. She was musing over this though when she walked into Emma
"Tina!" Exclaimed "I was just looking for you, you've got more mail!!" She handed the envelope over with the thick brown paper she was now expecting and the little hints of other matter trapped in the paper, a insect wing, an animal hair caught up in the fine strands of paper. As she dropped it next to the others she saw they looked exactly the same the five of them all Brown and square and completely ordinary to those who had not read them, but they were meant for her and her only. Cristina read over them every day trying to remember every detail of them to memory. The first had read;

Thorns and branches tangle
In a love like ours
And fires burn through mantles
Fuelled by a love like ours
The vines of the forest
And the trunks of trees
Stretch towards a love like ours
For it is not consumed by feeling
Nor time from an hourglass
Oh no, not a love like ours

She had read through it continuously and still didn't understand it. Her only possible guess could be a fairy but what fairy a did she know? What fairy a knew her?! She had no clue and had wondered about that until the next Tuesday when another had arrived.

Nothing is more beautiful than you my dear,
No, not nothing at all
Not the sun or the moon or the stars
Not rain or snowfall
Man cannot recreate the beauty,
Found in your skull and flesh
Not the birds or the plants or the animals
And no water could be as fresh
For your eyes sparkle brighter than any light
and your hair is inkier than the darkest of nights
Your expressions from rage to pure serenity
I hope you will soon know my identity

Slowly but surely she began gaining interest in the lover who's words made her shiver. She wondered and tried to understand. She didn't know any fairy, so how-. Her thoughts were shattered as someone yelled from the room next to hers
"MARK?! MARK WHAT- HOW- MARK!!" That was Dru yelling about her long lost brother?! Of course she knew about Mark Tavvy and livvy had cried enough over him and she knew Emma blamed herself for his disappearance and that Julian missed him so much it hurt, that they all missed him and she saw the hurt in every line and plain of their faces. She started to run.
Tina had experienced many strange and terrible things in her life. She had also experienced many beautiful things in her life. None of those held a candle to Mark blackthorn. He was tall, taller than her about the same height as Julian but they looked quite different. His face was the colour of bottled cream pale and smooth and flawless as if made from porcelain. The doll-like look was only intensified by his thin features a long nose, an almost sickly visible jawline and high cheekbones each feature as delicate as a bent twig. He had a long frame that hinted at Julian's lanky-ness but she saw the small
Hints of muscles under the skin and she knew that if she dared touch it it would be as soft as silk covered stone. Even his muscular figure and sweeping coat couldn't hide the hints of horror in his Ethereal face the dark under eyes that looked as if someone had pressed their hands into them for hours without stopping, the icky way his collarbones stuck out of his skin like broken pieces of glass trying to break through the skin and the ragged flesh reaching from the cuffs of his jackets and she could tell all up his arm would look the same, as if someone had repeatedly dragged barbed wire over the flesh ripping and catching on the muscle and veins, ripping into his soul. That was when he turned his eyes on her and she was swept into that gaze and almost gasped out loud. His right eye seemed his past, the blackthorn blue-green of the ocean almost a way to symbol his old life as a blackthorn, a shadowhunter, as human. His other was as amazing as it was terrible. A powdered gold of the wild hunt which seemed to move as his gaze shifted around her face his future, his torture, his prison a reminder there for everyone to see, for everyone to remember.
"Christina right? My name is Mark Blackthorn and I'm very pleased to meet you"

Annnnd a lovely request from Booklover190048 !! Akward how only now I realise I haven't written any Mark oh well I like the idea of Tina and Mark but come on have any of you seen Kieran? Sexy sexy fairy 😉 anyway I'm SUPER excited to share Santa Monica part (what is it now 6?! Jeez) and that is the last part 😞 but it does have a good ending so hehehe so yes goodnight chikas xoxoxxo

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