All The Small Places #5

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So Jules wasn't her knight in shining armour. He wasn't her childhood best friend. He wasn't her Diego. No, he was much more than that. Julian was her new life, her new future free of the duty and betrayal of Mexico, her new self. Cristina liked to think of it as "Tina 2.0". At first it wasn't anything, she may have had a small crush on Julian from when she had arrived but after a week even she could see Emma even if he couldn't. The silent glances she would give him over the dinner table filled with so much love and desperation for him to just look up, Look up just once that Tina had to look away. In fact as Emma an her had grown closer she resigned herself to the real idea that her and Julian were a never in a lifetime at least if Emma was her friend and Cristina really couldn't loose anyone else, not anymore. When she looked back on all she had left behind she could really see how much she had lost, although she always had the medallion. With its flat silver disk the size of her palm calves with runes and wings and words that would always make her shiver it rest against her chest where her heart would always beat for Mexico, for her family and everything she had lost.

It was a Wednesday or maybe a Friday, she didn't get out much anymore an resigned herself to sitting curled in a blanket her hand tracing the raised scars across her abdomen with their zig zag shaped irregularity of ripped flesh, she had never found out wether it had done any damage, chances were she probably wouldn't be able to have kids - not that she was willing to go through any kind of closeness with anyone or anything ever again-. "Close off your heart" she told herself "find a way to make the pain go away". She would occasionally go to the institutes library and read the dust covered hardbacks that had seen their fair share of warriors calloused hands. She read about angel necklaces and their ever beating clockwork hearts, of Shadowhunters who could turn from solid to smoke in the blink of an eye, of demons and clockwork creatures setting villages alight, the horror and glory trapped in the pages terrible and wonderful at the same time filling her with dread and an apprehensive nature the she herself hadn't experienced since that day right before she had walked through his door. It was the day, after she had finished reading about the warlock girl with the Shadowhunters warrior heart the he ran into her while going around a corner. She yelped and he stumbled putting his arms around her on instinct and she grabbed for the wall to steady herself and before she could understand what was happening she was against the wall on her toes and she was as close to him as she had only ever been with one other person, as she looked up into his eyes she saw the way the light refracted through his perfectly round irises right before he pressed his lips into hers.

*musical interlude?*

As they had kissed she was amazed to find that she didn't mind it, like it even. She understood the way his lips moved, the way his body moved as she twined up to curve her arms around his neck twisting her fingers into that thick hair the chocolate curls tangling around her fingers. He tasted of sea spray and something fundamentally Julian and she could smell the turpentine on his clothes. He reached around to cup her cheek and she was amazed to find his hands soft for a shadowhunter and long covered in spots of something hard and scratchy that could only be paint. She was loosing herself in that Julian smell when he pulled away and she realised she was clinging onto his neck like Tavvy did as if for dear life. She immediately let go and began straightening her tank top, her hair anything to convert rate on so she wouldn't have to look up at him, wouldn't have to admit that she had just kissed him, wouldn't have to come to the realisation she ha ruined her closes friendship with Emma ruined her only friendship.
"Tina" he gently tilted her chin up with two slender fingers. She couldn't look anywhere except those perfect fucking irises "I have been wanting to do that for so long." He whispered.


Well I do hope you're happy @jamieshadowhunter that's two happy ones in a row...well kinda? I mean TBH I like Tina and Jules but Jemma is my ship and I don't even know why I am writing this I am literally destroying my own shit in a fanfic. Bet you haven't seen that before aye bahahha oh well night chikas xox

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